Rutgers University Professor of Medicine says Clinton should be assessed by an impartial panel of physicians

Paul Joseph Watson

Lahita told Fox Business that he agreed with Dr. Drew on several points about Hillary’s health. Last week, Drew told KABC that he is “gravely concerned” about Hillary Clinton’s health, noting that the treatment she has received is “bizarre”.

“This is a very unusual story with Hillary,” said Lahita, making reference to her suffering two blood clots, a stroke and post-concussive syndrome, which caused Hillary to have to wear special prism glasses to counter her double vision.

“The very fact that she’s having these clots and she’s had two bouts of thrombosis is disconcerting to say the least,” said Lahita.

Asked whether the concerns over Hillary’s health were objectively authentic regardless of politics or whether the leftist media were right to label the issue a conspiracy theory, Lahita responded, “I don’t think it’s a conspiracy.”

“You go back to the history of our presidents and we’ve had many presidents up until Lyndon Johnson who’ve concealed their health during their campaigns and it had dire effects for our country, going from Kennedy to Roosevelt, to Woodrow Wilson whose wife ran the White House for some time – so we have issues here and I think both candidates should be very forthcoming and perhaps have an impartial panel of physicians review the data and make that kind of decision before Americans go to the polls,” remarked Lahita.

Dr. Lahita also dismissed claims by the media that a summary released last year by Hillary’s personal physician Dr. Lisa R. Bardack saying she was in good health was enough to satisfy questions over Clinton’s fitness to serve as president.

Calling for a more recent assessment, Lahita said, “We should be able to see the laboratory results ourselves, the letter is kind of a summary (it) doesn’t go into much detail,” adding that more information on Hillary’s hypothyroidism would also be “quite interesting”.

“We owe it to the country, we owe it to the voters, not only for the presidential candidates, but also for the vice-presidential candidates – particularly in this election,” concluded Lahita.

According to his bio, “Doctor Lahita is Professor of Medicine at Rutgers University, the medical school of New Jersey, and an adjunct Professor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and the Chairman of Medicine and Vice President of the Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. He is a fellow of the American College of Physicians, a master of the American College of Rheumatology, and fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.”

Lahita has also authored more than 16 books and 150 scientific publications in the field of autoimmunity. He doesn’t really fit the picture of an ‘Internet conspiracy theorist’, which is how the Clinton campaign is attempting to characterize anyone who questions her health.

In a related story, a New York Times columnist even called on Google to censor searches pertaining to Hillary’s health in order to silence “conspiracy theorists”.


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