How did a missile shoot down TWA flight 800 near East Moriches, New York?


It’s one of the greatest mysteries in American history. But the government conspiracy of silence surrounding the destruction of TWA Flight 800 is beginning to break down – thanks in part to two books on the subject by crusading journalist Jack Cashill.

Years ago, Cashill wrote “First Strike: TWA Flight 800 and the Attack on America,” focusing on the evidence supporting a terrorism conclusion.

Now, his new followup, “TWA 800: The Crash, the Cover-up and the Conspiracy,” brings the story up to date with shocking new details.

In his latest, Cashill unearths the shocking government decision to create a cover story after TWA Flight 800 was destroyed shortly after takeoff on July 17, 1996. All 230 passengers were killed. Officially, the “accident” was caused by flammable vapors in a fuel tank, with the catalyst most likely a short circuit. But Cashill reveals new evidence confirming that at least two surface-to-air missiles destroyed the 747 in full view of thousands along the popular south coast of Long Island. And since the book’s publication, more sources are coming forward to tell Cashill what they know. As one source told him, “I never knew where to turn before.”

“In the month since my book came out, I have been getting a solid lead or two a day about the fate of TWA Flight 800,” the author told WND. “This is the rare ‘conspiracy theory’ to which an entire industry – or something very close to it – subscribes. In the last month, I have heard from at least a half dozen 747 pilots, another half-dozen or so fuel tanks mechanics or engineers, a retired FBI agent, an NCIS vet, several eyewitnesses and numerous people who worked within the investigation in different capacities.

“Every lead adds information. This is a story only the participants can break out as the major media have shown no interest in doing the same.”

Cashill stresses those who are approaching him are not conspiracy theorists or individuals with an ax to grind but industry professionals who are deeply familiar with the facts. In an exclusive interview, he shared some of the shocking material he has been given.

An air-traffic controller working that night at New York TRACON (Terminal Radar Approach Control) told Cashill, “A primary radar return (ASR-9) indicated vertical movement intersecting TWA 800.” A second later TWA 800 disappeared from the screen.

Said Cashill, “My source was asked by his supervisor if he had ever seen anything like this before. The controller said yes – while in the Navy doing missile test fires at sea.” Against all protocol, the source told Cashill, the radar tape was quickly confiscated.

Another correspondent swore: “I was on the missile team from Raytheon. It would be better if we had a chat on the phone. I can prove that it was a missile.”

“This fellow worked with the stalwart head of the FBI missile team, Steve Bongardt, who defied the CIA and insisted its analysts scrap their bogus zoom climb theory,” Cashill said. “I have been trying to reach out to Bongardt through various channels. If he goes public, he knows enough to break the story open.”

Cashill said others who had critical information from that fateful night were actually threatened by government officials and are only now coming forward.

“Another fellow was working on an offshore oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico,” he said. “Some of his colleagues were recruited by the Navy to operate ROVs, short for remotely operated underwater vehicles. The government brought these guys into a room and threatened their lives and families if they talked about their work.”

According to Cashill’s source, his colleagues had watched the news and saw what was being reported did not remotely correspond to where they recovered the debris.

Cashill said other sources have also stepped forward. He told WND:

  • A source who was present at the FBI command center during the morning briefing on July 21, 1976, four days after the destruction of the 747, heard the head of the FBI investigation, Jim Kallstrom, tell those assembled, “We have a very embarrassing situation” on our hands and the “White House will make a statement later today.” The president made no statement that day or ever admitted to an “embarrassing situation.” This suggests that Kallstrom knew as early as July 21 that the investigation was about to be misdirected. The source’s account was confirmed by a reporter with whom he shared this information on the same day.
  • One correspondent, a 28-year NCIS veteran, called the FBI upon learning from a trusted source, “A missile from one of the Navy ships was fired and hit the plane.” Right after that the ships fled the area. Agent-to-agent contacts are usually pretty “congenial,” but the FBI agent the NCIS vet contacted “seemed annoyed” that he would have to call the source in question.
  • Another source was working as a security contractor at the Atlanta Olympics, which was to begin two days after the TWA 800 crash. At 4:30 on the morning after the crash, he attended a venue management meeting. “We were told by one of the military briefers that security was ramping up severely because ‘they just shot down a commercial airliner off NY City.’ Those were the exact words, and he said where he got the info, and that was all he could tell us at that time.” This same fellow insisted the plane did not blow up because of a frayed wire. He knew whereof he spoke, having “spent hundreds of hours inside aircraft fuel tanks on similar aged airliners as TWA 800.”
  • Among many others, a 747 pilot also rejected the notion that some mystery spark blew up the center fuel tank. “It cannot happen,” he told Cashill. “It is impossible. There is nothing else to be said.”

Some sources who are deeply familiar with aerial transportation and protocol are also publicly stepping forward to back up Cashill’s research. Among those who have been supporting his work is Vernon Grose, a retired NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) board member. Grose spoke on Cashill’s behalf at a recent press conference in Washington arranged by Accuracy in Media.


“Grose apparently struck a nerve,” said Cashill.

NTSB’s general counsel, David Tochen, sent Grose a brusque email claiming that a “member of the public” saw Grose at the press conference and complained.

“The individual claimed you ‘wore NTSB clothing, etc.’ at this event,” wrote Tochen. “I need to remind you that it is not appropriate for a former NTSB official or employee to hold himself/herself out, or create the appearance of holding himself/herself out, as a current agency official or employee.”

Although Grose chose not to respond to Tochen, Grose did allow Cashill to respond. After checking the video, Cashill informed Tochen that Grose was wearing no NTSB gear of any kind. Cashill wrote to Tochen, “I am curious too as to which ‘member of the public’ was so troubled by Vernon’s presentation that you saw fit to send such a demeaning message.”

However, David Tochen did not respond to Jack Cashill with anger. Indeed, he apologized to both Cashill and Grose. Incredibly, added Cashill, Tochen claims to have bought the book and read the first five chapters with a promise to read the rest.

Cashill believes the widespread acceptance and propagation of his research and the willingness of new sources to step forward suggests the story is on the verge of breaking out.

“Tochen is not the only NTSB honcho reading the book,” he enthused. “The plot thickens.”

Cashill suggests that anyone with inside information contact him in confidence through his website,


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