Is It Just Me Or Are Our Leaders Insane?

Novato, CA
April 11, 2016

by Rich Scheck

The US joins other world leaders in Hiroshima to decry the use of nuclear weapons
and pay homage to the 140,000 who were killed in 1945 when we dropped an atomic
bomb on the city at the end of WWII.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? Like President Obama giving a great speech
on the same subject in 2009 and getting a Nobel Peace Prize for his
apparent interest in ridding the world of such lethal weapons.

Yet, he and Congress have authorized the expenditure of $968 Billion to
facilitate the “modernization” of our nuclear weapons in the years ahead.

You read that right: almost one trillion will be spent by our government
alone to update our arsenal while participating in these events to decry
North Korea and other nations from pursuing their programs.

Does the word hypocrisy resonate with you? These so-called world leaders are laying wreaths in memory of those who were slaughtered while continuing their embrace of these massive killing machines in apparent violation of the NPT (Nuclear Proliferation Treaty).

There is little reason to be optimistic in light of such developments and with such deeply flawed folks as our erstwhile leaders.

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