Justice Scalia spent his final days with a mysterious, ancient society of elite hunters

by Jason O. Gilbert

Conspiracy theorists were already suspicious of the details surrounding Antonin Scalia’s sudden death two weeks ago, passing around fantastical theories about the circumstances of the Supreme Court Justice’s passing.

The latest detail—that Scalia was hanging out on a ranch with a centuries-old mysterious society of international hunting enthusiasts when he died—is unlikely to ease their suspicions.

We already knew that Scalia was enjoying a quail-hunting trip when he died during the night on February 13. The Washington Post combed through public records and flight schedules and found that with Scalia on that trip were several members of—and this is the real name of the society—the International Order of St. Hubertus, a group that dresses in fanciful robes and celebrates the sport of hunting in the tradition of their European forefathers.

The Post was able to confirm that John Poindexter, the owner of the ranch where Scalia died, and C. Allen Foster, a Washington lawyer and Scalia’s traveling partner, as well as two other men on the trip, were both members of the International Order of St. Hubertus. Reporters for the Post asked Poindexter about Scalia’s connection to the society. Here’s Poindexter’s strange, evasive response, via email:

“There is nothing I can add to your observation that among my many guests at Cibolo Creek Ranch over the years some members of the International Order of St. Hubertus have been numbered…I am aware of no connection between that organization and Justice Scalia.”

Dan Brown-ian details abound. Per the website, the International Order of St. Hubertus is “a knightly order with an emphasis on hunting and activities related to the pursuit and management of game animals.” Its motto is “Deum Diligite Animalia Diligentes,”which translates to “Honoring God by Honoring His Creatures.” It was founded in the Kingdom of Bohemia in 1695 by one Count Franz Anton von Sporck; the website boasts connections to “His Majesty Juan Carlos of Spain” and “His Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke Andreas Salvator of Austria,” as well as “His Imperial and Royal Highness Istvan von Habsburg Lothringen, Archduke of Austria, Prince of Hungary.”

If this doesn’t set off your Illuminati alarms, nothing will. Here is a photo of some modern members, taken from the International Order of St. Hubertus website. Feel free to compare it to either Eyes Wide Shut or the Stonecutters, from The Simpsons, at your leisure:.

international order of st hubertus

A diverse bunch!

Conspiracy theories surrounding Scalia’s death ranged from the mundane (President Obama had Scalia murdered so that he could choose an ultra-liberal Supreme Court Justice to replace him) to the political (God killed Scalia in order to boost the election prospects of Ted Cruz) to the fantastical (Leonard Nimoy faked his death, assumed control of the Illuminati, and had Scalia assassinated).

The details of Scalia’s passing remain unchanged: After a day of hunting, he retired to his room, where he was found dead the next morning, probably from coronary artery disease. The revelation he was on a retreat with members of an elite hunting society with roots going back to the Bohemians and Count Franz Anton von Sporck, however, are likely to produce even more bizarro conspiracy theories.


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