Trump: It’s Time To Audit The Fed!

Rohnert Park, CA
February 24, 2016

by Rich Scheck

Donald Trump has called for an audit of The Fed!

Once again, he has shown the willingness to stir the
pot in ways unique to any recent American politician.

Yes, he has many shortcomings and could achieve
the same results without needlessly alienating so
many people who might otherwise appreciate him.

But we must still give the man his due. Many on
the left go apoplectic when anything positive is said
about him. Yet his courage in taking on entrenched
institutions like the Republican Party, the Bush family,
the Clintons, the official 9/11 narrative and now The
Fed should be applauded by all who are serious about
political change during this period of crises.

I feel sorry for those so blinded by hate and their own sense of what is appropriate that they strike out in anger at well-meaning folks who hold a different perspective than they do and actually can see some good coming from this man’s efforts.

What makes this especially interesting to me is that many who hate Trump are big Sanders supporters. Yet in several key areas where The Donald has spoken out boldly, their man has been either silent, timid, or arguably obstructive.

According to Ron Paul, Sanders ended up sabotaging
Paul’s efforts to pass audit the Fed legislation.

Similarly, Trump’s success in dispatching Jeb and the
Bush clan would seem to be something the left would
be ecstatic about.

Likewise his comfort level with saying President Bush lied us into
the Iraq War in 2003 and that 9/11 may have been a false flag
would normally produce strong support if those comments came
from someone else.

The Fed’s century long grip on the throat of the
American economy is well-documented. Its status
as a private entity inconsistent with the spirit of the
Founders and the Constitution are also generally accepted.

So Trump’s call is another timely political move designed
to bolster his populist credentials and secure the backing
of the Ron Paul Libertarian part of the electorate and many
other voters who share this view.

With time rapidly running out for Sanders in his quixotic
bid to defeat Hillary for the Democratic nomination, his
die-hard supporters are soon to be faced with the grim
reality of what needs to be done after he is gone.

Strangely, those one would think might find solace in many
of Trump’s positions—including his call to audit The Fed—
find him such a divisive character that they reject promoting
him in any way.

That’s fine as far as it goes and leaves the dicey problem
going forward of what to do next in the 2016 election!

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