The BIGGEST Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium

Coming soon to a ‘free market’ near you!

The Biggest Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium 

steven-kaye-quote-this-is-a-classic-bear-market-rally-a-suckers-rallySucker’s Rally 
of the Millennium
Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium
Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium
Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium
Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium
Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium
Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium
Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium
Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium
Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium
Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium
Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium
Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium
Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium
Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium


The Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium



Once the Dow Jones IA went above 18,000, one can be assured
that the markets are being set up — fastidiously — for ———————>

“The Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium”
coming soon to a ‘free market’ near you!

Screen Shot 2013-11-22 at 5.11.18 AM******* Here’s what it looked like during the GREAT Depression *******


Markets: Is this a suckers rally?

A suckers rally is a temporary rise in a specific stock or the market as a whole


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Was Today The Ultimate Sucker’s Rally?

happytrader 2


“The Sucker’s Rally of the Millennium”
coming soon to a ‘free market’ near you!

Screen Shot 2013-11-22 at 6.04.29 AM

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