La Costa, CA
March 20, 2015
The Quest For A New Planetary Blueprint For Peace
by Rich Scheck
Some have postulated that much of what we see in Ukraine and Syria is just a sophisticated Kabuki dance between the great powers who secretly have a different plan: to build a New World Order to replace the currently imploding post WW2 political and economic system. Despite all the posturing and rhetoric, the real agenda is to create a new reserve currency, rejecting Bretton Woods and the petrodollar for one backed primarily by China’s powerful economic engine, i. e. the New Silk Road.
The folks at Executive Intelligence Review describe this Silk Road as “the world land bridge” and the “blueprint for the peaceful future of our planet!” Rather than Huntington’s “clash of civilizations” between Islam and the Judeo-Christian West, the true agenda for those with vision is to treat that crusade-like misadventure as a side-show while getting on with the serious business of economic development on the “Grand Chessboard” of Eurasia. Moving beyond the posturing, troop movements, name calling and military skirmishes, the big boys have no intention of fighting WW3 and are instead doing their best to forge a more peaceful future based on a plan for global economic growth, free of western domination and the corrupt financial schemes manufactured by the City of London, IMF and Federal Reserve.
Supporting this hypothesis are such developments as inclusion of Russia on the Board of Directors of SWIFT, recent space cooperation agreements between Russia and US companies like Boeing and, of course, the joining of China’s new Asian Development Band by the UK, Germany France and Italy.
As the articles below indicate, many are tired of Washington’s bullying tactics as part of its Asia Pivot and are ready for something more uplifting that can create planetary abundance as envisioned by the Silk Road strategy rather than the unending wars and imperial behavior seeking full spectrum dominance. Whether a peaceful succession can be achieved short of major warfare remains to be seen. The traditional nationalistic bellowing might lead to an out of control escalation where push comes to shove and those who are not on board the globalist train or who reject its goals take matters into their own hands.
That could readily happen in Syria, Ukraine or elsewhere. This is a very delicate arrangement that might collapse or be sabotaged in a variety of ways resulting in massive loss of life and the devastation of large areas of land. Nuclear war is one of many potentially scary consequences facing all of us. This analysis may explain the recent disappearance of President Putin for nearly two weeks as he may have been maneuvering behind the scenes to put out fires and negotiate with other elite insiders on how best to proceed. There are lots of reasons to believe this elaborate and ambitious plan may fail. But to the extent it represents a possible alternative future to the current mess, perhaps folks fifty years from now will look back and point to this time frame the same way we look at Breton Woods, Yalta and the end of WW2 as a formative period.
N. B.: This was written in March as a possible positive scenario and alternative
to more war. As events have played out over the last 9 months, my deep
concerns about “push coming to shove” and the escalation of tensions
as opposed to cooperation have been borne out. Regrettably, the major
powers seem incapable at this moment in history of moving forward in
ways that promote peace and prosperity and are once more opting to see
who can best succeed by relying on military force. Sadly, Cheney’s Long War
prediction is being vindicated and those like myself with a different agenda
can rightfully be seen as being guilty of wishful thinking.