Republican Hypocrisy Regarding Big Government

Santa Rosa, CA
November 12, 2015

by Rich Scheck

Webster Tarpley is one of the most brilliant political and economic analysts today.

His latest post demonstrates his total contempt for all the Republican presidential
candidates: Republican Candidates Compete to Demand Most Sociopathic Policies

Those familiar with his views know he is equally disdainful of the Democrats.

He has attempted to promote his plan for restoring prosperity by forming a new
political group called The Tax Wall Street Party. Tax Wall Street Party

Even though he seems to hate Rand Paul, he would probably agree with the
writer of this article: Rand Paul is just hilariously trolling Republicans now

In fact Tarpley would likely agree with Paul when here as well: Rand Paul Blast US For Funding ISIS

For those who are disgusted by the state of our nation and its political leaders,
familiarity with Tarpley and his vision for the future is a good idea.


He cuts through the hypocrisy in both parties. To some extent his Tax Wall Street Party is a version of what I have attempted to create over the last 40+ years: a new political party that bridges the false left/right paradigm.

However, Tarpley’s approach is far more reminiscent of his idol FDR, while my plan
would echo Ron Paul and his Libertarian perspective especially with my focus of
avoiding foreign entanglements!

Either approach is far more appealing to me than the warmongering duopoly we now
have to pick from as the national security state emerges more triumphant every day.
The Deep State: The Unelected Shadow Government Is Here to Stay

Hypocrisy and lawlessness are running rampant in Washington today. The state of the
nation is bleak indeed. Those searching for answers should go within and find the
courage needed to confront the liars and criminals who are responsible for this mess
and hold them fully accountable for their misdeeds!

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