Newbury Park CA
August 11, 2015
The Illusion of Freedom in America
by Rich Scheck
John Whitehead’s powerful essay provides the reader with an
excellent over-view of contemporary American politics.
Don’t Be Fooled By The Political Game: The Illusion Of Freedom In America
It clearly expresses the reality that our election process is
essentially a Kabuki Dance, a choreographed distraction
similar to professional wresting or Reality TV.
Elections are entertainment to provide “the illusion of freedom”
while, we the people, are reduced to the status of debt-slaves,
mere serfs beholden to our corporate over-lords, banksters and
the oligarchs who rule us.
The rebellious acts of violence coming from Ferguson, MO and championed by the ever-expressive Minister Louis Farrakhan, forebode the long predicted social unrest that unfolds during difficult economic times.
Along with foreign threats — real and imagined — our nation plunges ever deeper into a troubled future with little reason for optimism emerging from the presidential campaign.
Dark days lie ahead: the sparks of love, joy and humor needed to
transcend this predicament currently lie buried deep within the souls
of decent folks who must shake themselves out of their slumber and
find the courage to create a far better future than the one presently
looming just ahead.