Scientific Research Papers Show How ‘Vaccinated Kids Infect The Non-Vaccinated’

How Vaccinated Kids Infect The Non-Vaccinated

By Sayer Ji


With the thousands of mainstream media articles blaming the non-vaccinated for disease outbreaks, this article will provide a necessary counterbalance by showing the vaccinated can (and do) infect the non-vaccinated… 

A groundbreaking study published in 2013 in the journal Vaccine titled, “Comparison of virus shedding after lived attenuated and ​pentavalent reassortant rotavirus vaccine,” referenced the fact that rotavirus vaccines contain live viruses capable of causing infection, shedding and even transmission to non-vaccinated subjects:

“In fact, transmission of these two rotavirus vaccines or vaccine-reassortment strains to unvaccinated contacts has been detected [9–13][1], even in the absence of symptoms.”

One of the five studies referenced in the passage above confirming that the vaccinated can infect the non-vaccinated, “Sibling transmission of vaccine-derived rotavirus (RotaTeq) associated with rotavirus gastroenteritis,” published in 2009, is the first report in the literature to identify the transmission of rotavirus vaccine-derived virus to unvaccinated contacts resulting in symptomatic rotavirus gastroenteritis requiring emergency medical attention:

“We document here the occurrence of vaccine-derived rotavirus (RotaTeq [Merck and Co, Whitehouse Station, NJ]) transmission from a vaccinated infant to an older, unvaccinated sibling, resulting in symptomatic rotavirus gastroenteritis that required emergency department care.”

The study also indicated that two of the five strains of rotavirus within the Rotateq reassorted to produce a more harmful virus either within the vaccinated infant or within the subsequently infected unvaccinated sibling:

“Results of our investigation suggest that reassortment between vaccine component strains of genotypes P7[5]G1 and P1A[8]G6 occurred during replication either in the vaccinated infant or in the older sibling, raising the possibility that this reassortment may have increased the virulence of the vaccine-derived virus.”

This phenomenon of Rotateq vaccine strain ​reassortment and subsequent gastoenteritis infection in vaccine recipients was also observed in a 2012 study in 61 infants.[2] Additionally, A Nicaraguan study published in 2012 found “the widespread use of the RotaTeq vaccine has led to the introduction of vaccine genes into circulating human RVs.,” revealing that the widespread introduction of the vaccine strain has altered the genetic makeup of wild-type rotavirus that now infects exposed populations.[3]

It has been estimated that between 80-100% of infants shed rotavirus at some point during 25-28 days after vaccination.[4] [5] This reveals that the vaccinated, contrary to widespread assumptions about the the risks represented by the non-vaccinated, pose a clear risk of infecting the non-vaccinated, and may be producing the ideal virological conditions for the recombination of diverse rotavirus strains into vaccine-resistant ‘super viruses.’

Another case study, reported on in the National Vaccine Information Center’s document on vaccine viral shedding:

“In 2010, a case report was published in Pediatrics describing a 30-month old healthy boy who had never received rotavirus vaccine and was infected with vaccine strain rotavirus 237.  He ended up in the emergency room with severe gastroenteritis 10 days after his healthy two-month old brother was given a dose of Merck’s RotaTeq vaccine. A stool sample was taken in the emergency room and came back positive for RotaTeq vaccine derived strains after RT-PCR testing.”

The authors of the case report noted that “transmission of RotaTeq strains to unvaccinated contacts was not evaluated in the pivotal [pre-licensure] clinical trials.” They added that  both RotaTeq and Rotarix [GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals] vaccines have “the potential for vaccine-virus transmission to contacts.”

The Rotateq Vaccine: Shot Through with Conflict of Interest

The Rotateq rotavirus vaccine was co-created by Dr. Paul Offit, widely recognized as the vaccine industry’s leading promoter and apologist. He is the co-patent holder of one of two live rotavirus vaccines the FDA has approved, and which the CDC recommends should be administered to infants in 3 doses at ages 2 months, 4 months, and 6 months.

Historically incapable of self-recusal, despite his glaring conflicts of interest, Offit regularly positions himself as an expert on vaccines, even though he personally gains from presenting his product (and the CDC’s vaccine schedule as a whole) as safe and effective.  Case in point, in one notorious interview in Parenting magazine he claimed a child can receive 10,000 vaccines simultaneously without harm (corrected from 100,000 which he suggested in a previous interview).

The Rotavirus Vaccine Was Dirty from the Start

The first rotavirus vaccine – Rotashield – comprised of four reassorted rhesus-human rotaviruses was approved in 1999, only to be withdrawn from the market by the FDA nine months later when it was found to increase the risk for a deadly form of bowel obstruction known as intussusception in a small subset of highly vulnerable children.[6]

Offit’s Rotateq, which consists of 5 reassorted human-bovine retroviruses (yes, that means GMO), was believed to be a safer alternative when it was approved by the FDA in 2006, but newly published research reveals his vaccine suffers from the same exact deadly problems.

Published this month in Vaccine and titled, “Intussusception risk after RotaTeq vaccination: Evaluation from worldwide spontaneous reporting data using a self-controlled case series approach“, the study evaluated worldwide reports to the manufacturer of Rotateq up to May 2014, adjusting for the phenomenon of under-reporting.  The study found that the relative risk of intussception associated with the administration of Rotateq vaccine increases “3-7 days following vaccination, mainly after the first dose and marginally after the second and third doses.”  The increase in relative risk reached 3.45 fold in the period 3-to-7 days after the first dose, relative to the 15-30-day period control period.

Another study linking Rotateq to intussusception was published last year in the New England Journal of Medicine finding approximately 1.5 (95% CI, 0.2 to 3.2) excess cases of intussusception per 100,000 recipients of the first dose.[7]

Live Vaccines: A Pandora’s Box of Adventitious Viruses  

Death or debilitation by bowel obstruction rapidly following Rotateq vaccination is an acute adverse effect that is unlikely to be overlooked or ignored. This is why the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS): a passive, vaccine post-marketing surveillance system, has found it to be a significant side effect.  VAERS, however, is believed to capture as little as less than 1% of the actual damage being done by vaccines, indicating that the extent of harm of the Rotateq is several orders of magnitude than presently indicated by this report.

Exposure to Rotateq therefore suffers – like many live vaccines – from a darker side, as far as adverse effects go, which may take months, years, or decades to manifest as part of the multifactorial smog cloud of modern day toxicities and exposures that eventually make their way into the bottleneck of a classical diagnosis.

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