De-Dollarization, The New Silk Road, BRICS and the AIIB

The Fight For The Future On The Grand Chessboard


by Rich Scheck
Encinitas, CA
June 17, 2015

China and Russia are collaborating to build a new financial architecture, independent of the Western financial system.

They are both under assault from the US/NATO sanctions regime and Asia Pivot plan to
constrain China’s economic expansion.

In this fight for the future of Eurasia as described by Brzezinski in his Grand Chessboard,
the two countries have formed a series of economic and political alliances to counter the
efforts to undermine their sovereignty.

These include the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), BRICS, the Asia International Infrastructure Bank (AIIB) and similar institutions that will foster wide-spread economic development over the vast land-mass of the Eurasian continent as well as other regions of the planet that will benefit from this new “Silk Road.”

The process of de-dollarization to counter the weakened petrodollar and undermine the collapsing financial order established by Bretton Woods at the end of WWII is well underway.

The articles below reflect this process and can serve as an introduction to the changing landscape of the early 21st century.

With Greece and other Euro-zone countries on the verge of collapse, a US economy mired in a long period of stagnation and increased turmoil in the Middle East, the prospect of a better way forward is emerging out of this unique effort to forge a positive alternative to the decaying infrastructure of Western economic and political institutions.

Even the papacy is attempting to elevate the conversation with its call for fairness (Jubilee), environmental concern (Sustainability) and peace under the jurisdiction of a new global authority.

In the context of a presidential election in 2016, it will be interesting to watch if any of the
candidates can move the US beyond the renewed Cold War rhetoric currently dominating the conversation to push the world forward in a collaborative approach of growth instead of perpetual confrontation that could readily lead to more war.

Dangers abound with all possible solutions having unpredictable consequences. As the world remains caught in a spiral of increased tension, dramatic change and potential conflagration, the best efforts of all parties to move ahead in the spirit of progress and reconciliation will be necessary to avoid what now seems like the inevitability of another world war.

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