SOTN Editor’s Note:
Dear State of the Nation readership: the following “Project Fulsome” letter is as big as it gets.
In all of our years of investigative reporting, we have often come across smoking guns.
However, what you will find posted below is the actual gun … with fingerprints all over it.
Those fingerprints belong to President Barack Hussein Obama, easily the most corrupt and criminal, lawless and treasonous of any POTUS in history.
Never in American history has a single hard piece of evidence so incriminated a sitting president for multiple high crimes and misdemeanors.
What makes the following official letter signed by the former Director of Great Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) so radioactive, is that it names US President Barack Obama as the one illegally requesting a foreign nation to spy and surveil on first Candidate Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for POTUS, and then on the same person as President-elect.
Because of the true import and far-reaching ramifications of the following letter, it’s all too clear that all of the other suspicions about Team Obama are also correct …. which, when considered in the aggregate, essentially constitute an unparalleled crime wave of epic proportions.
*And yet it’s the hopelessly corrupt Democrats who are impeaching Trump.
Well, now you know why they all know they’re up to their eyeballs in alligators that Trump has set loose before he drains the swamp.
Which is exactly why this little counter-coup was launched: Trump Carries Out Sting Operation Against Coup Plotters Via UKRAINEgate
State of the Nation
October 12, 2019
N.B. SOTN thanks PIB for their excellent exposé posted below.
UK Letter Stating President Obama Asked UK to Spy on Trump Organization and Trump Campaign
Robert David Steele
Public Intelligence Blog
Full Text Below the Fold
Date: 17 November 2016
GCHQ References: A / 7238 / 6547 /12
Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP
Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs
- On 28 August 2016, GCHQ/CSO filed for permission to execute Project FULSOME at the request of the US President, seeking intelligence gathering into the Trump Organization and Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., both located at 725 5th Avenue, New York, NY, USA. Activities include foreign and US domestic signals collection, in regards to communications with Russian hostile actors.
- IOCCO approved FULSOME on 15 September 2016, allowing 90 days of initial SIGINT gathering, with the potential for renewal, should the situation allow. This memo’s purpose is to request a 90-day renewal of FULSOME’s original charter, with further potential for renewal, thereafter.
- Since FULSOME’s start, a clear collection of actionable leads has accrued, both from the Trump campaign itself, from former MI5 agent Michael Steele, and from others (see fig. 1-7 in attachment).
- US National Security Adviser Rice has requested that we continue our surveillance, during the transition period, as internal US intelligence is potentially compromised by the incoming Trump administration.
- For these reasons, we are requesting that FULSOME’s charter be renewed for another 90 days.
Robert Hannigan
*This communication is deemed Top Secret STRAP3 and must not be discussed, copied, shared, or distributed,*
Phi Beta Iota: This seems to be a candidate for criminal inquiries against Obama, Rice, Clapper, Hayden, and others. It also suggests that Admiral Mike Rogers, in his visit to see then candidate Donald Trump on 17 November 2016 (note that this is the same date as the GCHQ letter), was a true patriot and blew the whistle on the criminal abuse of office by Obama and Rice and others including John Brennan and James Comey as well as those named often such as Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page. We strongly suspect the FISA investigation being completed by John Durham will lead to criminal indictments of all those names above with the possible exception of Mike Rogers who seems to have done the right thing for the right reasons, God bless him.