Leaked Open Society Foundation Document; The Last Election
Ella Cruz

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Searching on Scribd, another bombshell obtained by Realtruenews.org is just astonishing. This one is allegedly an internal Soros’s Open Society Foundation document with restricted distribution which openly says the United States with its religion and the right to bear arms is an obstacle to obtain a world government, and the elections should be eliminated and the 2016 election will be the last election in the U.S.
This document is a blueprint to end public democracy in the United States by enabling marginalized groups, overturn the social order and create a sustainable state under the Directives of Agenda 21. The U.S Termination Project is designed to end the constitutional law, and replacing it with a technocracy tyranny.
The image that you see below is what they have designed for the White House after the United States ends the democratic process. Read this article carefully. It is very well connected to my previous article about Martial Law Jenga. It actually seems the first steps of the JENGA protocol. The image as you see seems to be taken in China or North Korea. The exact same style of Kim Jang Un, his father or Mao style. This is what the left wants for America. Wake up, people.
–“They cling to guns and religion. What will they do when we take both of those away?”– Barack Obama, 2008, donor speech.
–” If I had a city, it would look like Detroit”– Barack Obama, private shareholders meeting 2014
See the document here.
Let me just copy paste the test here.
And I quote:
(page 2)
© 2015 by the Open Society Institute, 400 West 59th Street, New York, NY 10019, USA
RESTRICTIONS: Limited Distribution Only. Do Not Copy. Do Not Forward. No Unsecured Environment. Do Not Print
Chairman: George Soros
Executive: Christopher Stone Subject Matter Expertise: Crisis Operations Team
THE OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE is a private operating foundation that promotes them arch of social progress and justice around the world. OSI’s U.S. Termination Project seeks to end public democracy in the United States by enabling marginalized groups to overturn the established social orders and create a sustainable state under the Directives of Agenda 21.
Termination is designed to end constitutional law, replacing it with a rationalist progressive technocracy. OSI’s U.S. Termination supports initiatives in a range of areas, including creating channeled Civil Unrest, Influence of Media Narratives, Human Concepts of Justice, Minority Uplift, Progressive Prosecution and Oppression, Genetic Dilution, and an Alternativ-eLeft Test-State. OSI is part of the network of foundations, created and funded by George Soros, active in more than 50 countries around the world.
(page 3)
“GEORGE SOROS’S GLOBAL FOUNDATION NETWORK has long strived to create a more perfect word. The Progressive Idea has eluded mankind due to selfishness, the hold of organized religion, and archaic ideas such as unlimited Democracy (SEE: Women’s Suffrage) and a view of the individual as superior to the collective.
While Western Europa has been more easily contained, elements of the United States have managed to resist both cultural indoctrination and federal control despite having installed generational subversive elements (SEE: Federal Reserve). Our analysis ( CRISIS TEAM., ELECTION OVERWATCH 2008) is that the United States, due to the nature of its Constitution, the matter of geographical scale, and the antiquated tenacity of the American people’s belief in individual rights, produces incentive pressures against long-term progressive control.
Simply put, if the United States is to be moved towards progress, regular free elections must be abolished. This
project began with The Brookings Institute’s Engines of Atrocity (2003, Brookings) and the creation and election
of Barack Obama. Now, having reached a crisis–level inflection point, the country is situated for a Final
Election. This document is the Executive Protocol that will be used for action planning, goals modeling, and
prioritization of resources. It is also the grounding philosophical document for the new Reach of the Next 100
(page 4)
ENDING DEMOCRACY THE 2000 ELECTION POSED some profound dilemmas for American democracy. OSI’s influence failed and, by small margins, OSI’s candidate Al Gore was refused the nomination by a Conservative Supreme Court. Since then, however, the public has become less convinced of the legitimacy of US Elections. While de-legitimizing the electoral process is usually a net gain, this has not been met with an attendant belief that another method is preferable. Instead, there has been a move towards more transparent elections with tighter controls (SEE: Voter ID Laws). In order to terminate the Democratic Process, the concept of a Final Election has been created
and will be exported to America At Large using a Crisis Model / Schelling Point to drive large-scale
behavior. This involves:
· A House Divided: The Obama Project has been very successful in dividing oncehomogenous Americans by race and class. This will be improved on with H. Clinton adding gender to the primary divide.
· Crisis Levels of Domestic Unrest with Visual Impact: In order to create the political atmosphere for change, there will need to be “tanks in the streets.” This requires a domestic enemy with paramilitary capabilities.
· An Unpopular Election: We will elevate J. Bush through a compromised BlackMoney donor network which will create a J. Bush vs. H. Clinton election with advantage Clinton.
. A Negative-Wave pattern will be used to neutralize Bush in the final month and provide an election that “both sides” feel despondent about.
. A no-choice choice election will demoralize citizens, especially, and most importantly patriots, to the level where there would be extremely low voter turn-out even in the event of an election. NOTE: In the Black Swan case, OSI will work with Media to ensure catastrophic negatives for whoever is counter-nominated.
· Dissolution: The final phase of The Last Election will be the creation of wide-scaleCrisis Escalation followed by False Dawn. In this narrative, control of the nation will be ‘temporarily’ ceded to the Federal Government and restructuring will begin.
· Rebirth: In concordance with Agenda 21 (Global Sustainability), we will rebuildAmerica.
(page 5)
1. De-Masculinization: OSI is building a culture that will reject traditionally masculine men. The use of toxic plastic by-products and vaccination infiltration to reduce testosterone has created a generation of men with the weakest average grip-strength in history. Media messaging elevates ‘feminine men’ and belittles traditional fatherhood.
2. Feminist Baselining: Young girls are indoctrinated with standards less than 1% of the male populace can meet. This will result in cyclic rejection driving more and more women into education and the workplace. We will move towards media recommending lesbian relationships to further distance males from coherent social structures. Our studies show that while it takes dramatic measures to instill homosexual values in men, women are usually easily manipulated.
3. Cultural Reparations: The racial rhetoric can be amplified with both Mesitzo and African heritage shock-groups being offered “reparations” by national leaders. The proposed reparations will take the form of ‘Urban Reservations’ in the northeast and central time zone. Areas such as Detroit will be offered to African Americans as re-payment for institutional racism. Miami to Mesitzo. This promise, whether fulfilled or not, will inflame mainstream America and increase the severity of the conflict.
4. Millennial Blow-Back: Millennials will be a key constituency in the new regime. They are easily programmed, psychologically soft, and addicted to constant video / audio-streams. The issues with their work ethic and high expectations will be broken in the labor camps. After this, they will be perfectly primed to turn against their parents and will make able, if somewhat lazy, security forces.
5. Neo-Islam: We believe that we can replace most entrenched traditional religions with an altered form of “Islam” that will be built on the idea of revanchist philosophy towards Christianity. The new generations will find the terminology appealing and have been indoctrinated to believe that Christianity is (somehow) responsible for the world’s ills.
6. SSMarriage Quotas: A novel idea coming out of our SocJus Labs suggests that improvement in hormone therapy could be used as an enabler to a SSM-Quota where each district must meet a certain percentage of Same-Sex Marriages and, if short, will require a member of couples who want to marry to undergo a sex-change in order to meet the quota. A fascinating idea.
7. Maximal Polygamy: It is within our interests to promote polygamy as doing so will help erase the pillars of Western Culture. To this end, we use powerful economic and social incentives and pressures to promote polygamous marriages. Our SocJus labs suggest that “accidental marriages” wherein a man who has intercourse with a woman can, later, be used to imply a “marriage-like financial commitment” even if no child is born could be used to forcibly create large networks of “married” individuals.
8. Waifu: Studies of social method-change in Japan have indicated that for the younger male demographic marriage to imaginary or digital characters may be preferable to marriage to real individuals. As many young people lack the social skills to find a mate, the creation of virtual brides may go a long way towards population control initiatives (while still maintaining social order).
(page 6)
Current society is dominated by the Media Narrative. Social Impact is a vector of image intensity and authoritative narrative overlay. In order to achieve both, we will need maximal, short–term impact with a response that is similarly visually distinct. To this end, Black Lives Matter has been catalyzed and shaped for Direct Action. We have capable, connected leadership in 32 operational cells across multiple metropolitan regions and are taking final steps to operationalize them.
STAGE 1: Coordinated Assaults, Maximize Causalities
We are working with media producers (see Vine Influencer Recruitment Drive) to create YouTube,
traditional media, and Periscope-ready attacks that will produce photogenic causalities viewable
across all media channels. Monetize with MEDIA agreements with friendly parties to create ‘product
placement’ in heavily replayed videos of attacks.
· Fire: Vehicles, Business, Homes, People
· GOLEM Security: Faceless riot-gear state forces with no showing human skin
· Cannibalism: Attack from minorities with symbol keys for ‘savage’
STAGE 2: Overwhelming Response
Democratic and compromised governors will order the National Guard and pre-militarized police
forces to the street with majority concurrent. During this time, there will be a media black-out and
secondary attacks (Primary targets: Children. Monetize with pediatric services investment).During
this time TARGET LIST (concealed carry permit holders, Tea Party donors, etc.) will be targeted for
· Architecture of Authority: Massive armored vehicles. Fortified state houses and police headquarters. Search-lights. Green Zones. Check Points.
· Missing America: Cleared streets. Tear-gas. Closed shops. Dark windows. Curfew notices.
· Refugees: Focus on children. Breadlines. Walking wounded. Barbed wire walls.
STAGE 3: State Of Emergency
Once OVERWHELMING RESPONSE is established and welcomed then a constant State Of Emergency will be established. This will be a perma-temp Federal Government with full emergency powers and ‘militarized courts.’
(page 7)
A HOUSE DIVIDED THE OBAMA INITATIVE has divided Americans by Race and Class. In order to effect a Full American Schism, we will want to add Gender. Our choice of H. Clinton as a nominee will provide a perfect fulcrum by which to break the American ideal. Hillary & Hillary ledM edia Initiatives will promote the following social impacts:
· De-Masculinization: OSI is building a culture that will reject traditionally masculine men. The use of toxic plastic by-products and vaccination infiltration to reduce testosterone has created a generation of men with the weakest average grip-strength in history. Media messaging elevates ‘feminine men’ and belittles traditional fatherhood.
· Feminist Base lining: Young girls are indoctrinated with standards less than 1% of the male populace can meet.This will result in cyclic rejection driving more and more women into education and the workplace. We will move towards media recommending lesbian relationships to further distance males from coherent social structures. Our studies show that while it takes dramatic measures to instill homosexual values in men, women are usually easily manipulated.
· Cultural Reparations: The racial rhetoric can be amplified with both Mestizo andAfrican heritage shock-groups being offered “reparations” by national leaders. The proposed reparations will take the form of ‘Urban Reservations’ in the northeast and central time zone. Areas such as Detroit will be offered to African Americans as re-payment for institutional racism. Miami to Mesitzo.This promise, whether fulfilled ornot, will inflame mainstream America and increase the severity of the conflict.
· Millennial Blow-Back: Millennials will be a key constituency in the new regime. They are easily programmed, psychologically soft, and addicted to constant video/audio streams. The issues with their work ethic and high expectations will be broken in the labor camps. After this, they will be perfectly primed to turn against their parents and will make able, if somewhat lazy, security forces.
· Neo-Islam: We believe that we can replace most entrenched traditional religions with an altered form of “Islam” that will be built on the idea of revanchist philosophy towards Christianity. The new generations will find the terminology appealing and have been indoctrinated to believe that Christianity is (somehow) responsible for the world’s ills.
· SSMarriage Quotas: A novel idea coming out of our SocJus Labs suggests that improvement in hormone therapy could be used as an enabler to a SSM-Quota where each district must meet a certain percentage of Same-Sex Marriages and, if short, will require a member of couples who want to marry to undergo a sex-change in order to meet the quota. A fascinating idea.
· Maximal Polygamy: It is within our interests to promote polygamy as doing so will help erase the pillars of Western Culture. To this end we use powerful economic and social incentives and pressures to promote polygamous marriages. Our SocJus labs suggests that “accidental marriages” wherein a man who has intercourse with a woman can, later, be usde to imply a “marriage-like financial commitment” even if no child is born could be used to forcibly create large networks of “married” individuals.
(page 8)
JEB BUSH WILL BE AN IDEAL CANDIDATE to crush the will of the Republican Right. The Level of disgust that J. Bush engenders in focus groups is off the charts. His candidacy, funded through the Soros Network, will make him an unstoppable electoral juggernaut. The result will be an election that, even before any vote is cast, completely lacks social legitimacy. Our projections suggest that in order to ensure a Bush nomination we will need to “split the vote” by providing voters with an unusually large number of candidates, all of whom appeal to different target demographisc. The addition of each candidate will dilute the vote allowing the most monetized candidate to triumph.
Our analysis: Candidate Demographic Notes Marco Rubio – Has Been Through CONDITIONING Weak willed compromise Republicans, Mestizo voters, Floridians. M. Rubio is a callow but charismatic candidate whose boyish charm will appeal to the go-along, get-along faction of the party. Handlers must be careful of Stress-Repetition Responses from his Conditioning.
Michael Huckabee Christian Right. He can be encouraged to run by playing to his ego. We have agents in various high-level evangelical positions who will encourage him to engage in the race.
Scott Walker Many. Walker is a THREAT candidate. Our analysis suggests he lacks the discipline to run a coherent campaign. We think we can corner him and force verbal gaffes with LOW IQ implications.
Ted Cruz Christian Right. Tea Party.
Cruz is a THREAT candidate. Our analysis is that he is disciplined and hard to control. We will leverage his intense negative-charisma factor to disqualify him. Analysissuggests that we can probably get Lindsey Graham to punch him in the face.
Lindsey Graham Paleo-Conservatives A necessary stalking horse for J. Bush, Graham can be managed easily enough. If he can be provoked to strike Cruz on television, the resulting melee will likely disqualify them both.
Rick Perry Evangelicals. Texans. Governor-humpers. Perry lost-hope faction from 2012. Perry is still on Oxy although he has it under more control. He has set up his campaign to feed him data through specialized glasses. We can disqualify him by jamming the feed during a debate.
Bobby Jindal None. Self-Terminating.
Rand Paul Libertarians (Marijuana Lobby)
He will effectively split the vote while having no chance of winning.
Rick Santorum Evangelical leftovers Should be entertaining while it lasts.
DARK HORSE CONTINGENCY PLAN The GOP voter base should be sufficiently split to allow J. Bush to achieve victory in much the same way M. Romney was managed. In the event of a dark-horse challenger (i.e. M. Bloomberg), we will need to use MANUFACTURED Opposition Research to disqualify them quickly. Our simulation engines will be looking for potential threats and we will be managing if/when they arise.
We believe that for at least one more cycle, a RACIST/SEXIST attack will be sufficient to neutralize any conventional candidate. Given the elasticity of the terms, there is likely no American citizen to whom the labels could not apply.
(page 9)
THE FINAL ELECTION will be accomplished by a collision of factors that will strike simultaneously to create a fracture in the American Dream—the public’s confidence in the idea of America. This engineered crisis will necessarily involve great loss of life and of property (see Monetization A for shelterand profit options). The result will be an America in which there are no more elections as they are now currently recognized, where racial realism combines with progressivism to create an optimal state—a ‘rationalia.’
The dissolution must be carefully managed as there are agencies within the United States Shadow Government that are also preparing for this eventuality and will have contingency plans in place to seize control after a catastrophic facture. To this end we have created a Shock & Awe scenariow hich should terminally wound America while, at the same time, allowing us a narrow avenue of control that other agencies cannot take advantage of.
EXECUTIVE ANALYSIS These are the elements of dissolution that we will invoke: Element Actor Notes Currency Crisis of Faith Federal Reserve We have deep hooks into the Federal Reserve (although we are not the only player). During the crisis, post Bank-Run, the Fed will “flood the market with liquidity” which will severely devalue currency creating hyperinflation. The effect will be the catastrophic loss of faith in America’s fiat currency.
Petro-Dollar Collapse OPEC Our allies in EMEA will shift from the US Dollar for dealing in oil to the British Pound (facilitated by Brexit). This shift will hit the United States with massive fuel crises.
Civil War BlackLivesMatter Our efforts to radicalize BLM have, as noted, been successful. We are in preparation of operationalizing (arming, providing leadership). The result will be massive chaos with middle class Caucasians who do not believe they are ‘racist’ as the targets. They will quickly learn they are.
Obligatory Terror Event Islamic State We have worked with the Western Operations Arm of the Islamic State (ISIL) to assist an operation within the US. The leading scenario is a dirty bomb in a liberal city (Target: Seattle). NOTE: This has been controversial due to ecological impact—but the board is very enamored with the idea after having watched numerous Bruce Willismovies.
Election Day Snipers Separatist Wings Our infiltration of some White Nationalist wings have allowed us to create a high-chance-of success plan to have trained ex-military snipers commit random killings at early polling locations. This will provide additional leverage to the canceling of elections.
(page 10)
REBIRTH AFTER THE COLLAPSEwillcome the purging and then the rebirth. America, the keystone of Western Civilization will be tumbled, humbled, and then reconsrtucted in the image of a Sustainable, Rational nation. While the rebuilding is covered in additional documents, we are includingan executive synopsis here for further review and inspiration.
NEW GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE The American Nation will no longer have a series of checks and balances, the Capitol Dome (legislative) will be merged with the palatial Executive Residence to indicate the consolidation of authority under a single (technocratically chosen) leader.
States are reorganizedinto nine Districts. Each will use a Common-Core basededucational method to ensure ideological conformity in the populace. Every 12 years, the highest scoring children from each district will be brought to theCapitol to compete in an intellectual contest to enterT he Great Leadership Academy. From this group, the next leaders will be chosen.
NO WEALTH The new rule will feature a “standard wage” ensuring there can be no wealth accumulation and zero inequality. Our simulations indicate there may be some dire shortages but we believe that will build a valuable character in the survivors.
NO VOICE, ONLY EXIT Citizens will still have mandatory participation in the theater of governance. They will, ecah two years, elect a series of District Sponsors whose job will be to determine the value and level of entertainment the district gets as well as to make them feelbetter about the governing process (just as today in well run societies).
Citizens who are extremely unhappy or disruptive after multiple attempts at r-eeducation can be offloaded to one of the plague-ridden southern states where they will no doubt expire quickly and in an ecologically friendly fashion.
THE CIRCUS One of the key elements the government will provide is a high-load-capacity Virtual Environment wherein citizens can pretend to live out their hopes and dreams while the planet heals. Named The Circus, this system will provide a number of customized environments designed to cater tot he basest of human desires. We believe that with minimal technology enhancements in haptic feedback and teledildonics, most of the emerging generation will be mechanistically content to live low-impact, low carbon footprint, virtual lives (as many are nowdoing anyway)
(page 11)
Asset Arena Notes
AK-47 (2300 units) NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, Los
Angeles, Detroit, Miami,
Atlanta, Houston, St. Lewis
Ammunition reserves: sufficient
RPG- ?? ? -32 St. Lewis, Atlanta, NYC, Los
Man-portable Russian anti-tank RPG
PLASTITIE (300lbs) Las Vegas, San Diego, Los
User friendly plastic explosive
Fake Bullet Proof Vests (500) Houston, NYC Used to eliminate BLM shock troops under our command. NOTE: They are not convincing if carefully inspected by a professional. Activated Cobalt (12kg) Seattle Handle with EXTREME CARE. DO NOT INGEST. Seriously, we’ve had problems with this.”