TESTIMONY PROVES: DNC Conspires with MSM to Control Media Narrative


‘She called me to bully me on behalf of the DNC’


In a string of tweets, a Huffington Post journalist charged that an editor at NBC/MSNBC is working on behalf of Democratic Party.

HuffPo’s Yashar Ali claimed he was badgered by NBC/MSNBC managing editor of politics Dafna Linzer.

“She called me to bully me on behalf of the DNC,” Ali wrote.

“Does being a Guardian of the Truth involve trying to intimidate actual journalists for doing their jobs?” asked a blogger for the Twitter news aggregator Twitchy. “HuffPost’s Yashar Ali got his answer…”

Click through to Twitter for the full chain of comments:

Ali explained it started when he got tipped about the possible dates of Democratic debates, calling it an “innocuous scoop.”

But he wanted to be first with the report and called the DNC for confirmation and comment. The DNC asked for a delay, and Ali said he couldn’t wait.

“Two minutes later I received a call from Dafna,” Ali wrote. “Dafna told me that she received a call from the DNC and was told I had a story. …. What was strange was that she was calling me and taking a menacing tone.

“She asked if I could hold the story and I said I couldn’t. She was agitated … then she got angrier.

“I realized that @DafnaLinzer, the head of all political coverage for NBC News and MSNBC wasn’t calling to advocate for her network, she was calling to advocate the DNC’s position.”

He continued: “I kept telling Dafna no, that I wasn’t waiting. And she kept getting more frustrated. She was exasperated … she didn’t understand why I couldn’t wait for the DNC to make their state notification calls. … I was so surprised … that she was talking this way with a total strangedr. The head of the political division was trying to bully me at the behest of the DNC over a dumb scoop (even though they may not have asked her to).”

Ali reported she eventually threatened to call his editors.

The Fox News Channel’s Brit Hume reacted: “What we have here is the managing editor of NBC politics acting on behalf [of] the Democratic National Committee. This goes well beyond the liberal bias we’ve come to expect.”

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer noted, “News organizations – in this instance NBC/MSNBC – are not supposed to do this…”


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