New York State abortionists were killing babies born alive before the recent infanticide law

NY Abortion Clinic Assures Woman ‘Baby Will Be Killed If Born Alive’ – VIDEO

Pro-life advocate Lila Rose shared a secret video shot in 2013

By: Pippa Monroe

 new york abortion facility ensuring a would be client that a baby breathing following a procedure would be drowned © press
New York abortion facility ensuring a would-be client that a baby breathing following a procedure would be drowned.

As the Senate passed a Democrat-supported bill in January allowing abortions to be performed right up until birth in New York, the subject regarding the issue of late-term terminations has become a widely discussed topic.

Pro-life advocate Lila Rose shared a secret video shot in 2013 showing a staff member at New York abortion facility ensuring a would-be client that a baby breathing following a procedure would be drowned.

Rose, who is the president of Live Action, Tweeted on Wednesday:

Our investigators exposed this New York abortion facility, which says they will put a born-alive baby in a jar of “solution” to drown her. They also say to “flush” the baby down the toilet, or “put it in a bag” if she’s born alive.

in the video the woman investigator asked would happen if an aborted baby showed signs of life© press
In the video the woman investigator asked would happen if an aborted baby showed signs of life

In the video which accompanies the Tweet, the woman investigator asked would happen if an aborted baby showed signs of life.

The abortion facility employee answered, “The solution would make it stop.”

“It’s not going to be moving around in the jar,” she added.

“That’s the whole purpose of the solution.”

When asked if the solution was “toxic,” she was told it was.

The worker instructed her client to “flush it” or “put it in a bag” and return it to the facility.


new york governor andrew cuomo signed the new abortion bill into law last month   © press
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the new abortion bill into law last month

Two procedures are performed during the second trimester (15 to 23 weeks) of the pregnancy, according to the University of California San Francisco Benioff Children’s Hospital website.

The first day sees the “cervical softening and dilating is performed with medication and small dilating sticks.”

The woman then does home before returning the next day for the abortion surgery.

Last month, the world reeled in horror at the news, NY Governor Andrew M. Cuomo celebrated his “victory” by ordering the World Trade Center to be lit up pink to mark the passing of the Reproductive Health Act.

Along with the spire at One WTC, the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, the Kosciuszko Bridge and the Alfred E. Smith Building in Albany were all lit in pink on Tuesday night in celebration.

The bill passed on Tuesday evening in a 38-24 vote and was signed into law by NY Gov. Cuomo (D-NY).


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