Patriots for Truth
SHUT IT DOWN! The U. S. Government has been infiltrated by Globalists who want to destroy the American nation state
Pelosi and Schumer continue to put Americans in danger. GLOBALISTS are unwilling to protect our NATIONAL borders…so the people say
CLOSE the government. It no longer works for the citizens of America
President Trump Meeting with Democratic Leaders VIDEO
President Trump clashes with GLOBALISTS Pelosi and Schumer over border security (click here to view C-Span video) and government funding during an Oval Office meeting.
We say that the government needs to be shut down, along with defunding Senior Executive Service operatives who do nothing but give no-bid contracts to SERCO and thwart the progress the PEOPLE are trying to make to regain our national sovereignty.
President Trump, please bring our domestic enemies to their knees. We need to demolish their criminal enterprise that has lodged itself in our government so that we can protect our nation and start arresting the criminals.
A great place to start would be shutting the whole thing down and use your budgetary discretion to fund what is absolutely necessary to protect our military, border security, and citizen social security recipients.

Open this link to learn how to get involved.
Time to Hit the Streets: Demand Hillary’s Arrest and Full Funding for the Wall
More B.S. from globalists Pelosi and Schumer. We don’t want you “hand of friendship,” Nancy. We want $5 billion of OUR TAX DOLLARS to pay for a wall to secure our nation.