Was Hurricane Michael used to take out Florida voting stations—and masses of Republican voters?
Yesterday I shared an important article from State of the Nation about the real reasons the deep state created and unleashed Hurricane Michael on Florida. It may leave unsuspecting people a little shaken because it reveals the truth and our vulnerability.
The editor of SOTN.net, Michael, is a very private guy and stays in the shadows, but since he lives in Tallahassee, Florida, he took that act of terrorism personally and he felt it was important to make it clear to the public what that was about so he did an interview with Douglas Gabriel at American Intelligence Media. Douglas isn’t feeling the best, but he felt it was important enough to do this for us, and I’m glad these two made it happen.
It’s such an important video. If you can only listen to one, today, I would say choose this one. It’s only 27 minutes.
That hurricane was the dark’s attempt to influence the midterm election because they know this election will determine if the deep state can retain any influence in Washington at all.
It’s so important for Americans to vote Republican this time around. It has never been more important to vote the right way. The wrong way could mean the end of America. It’s that serious. We must have a “red wave” this Red October and November to save the Republic.
Please listen to the video. If you haven’t read the article, you can do that at this link. Please share both with people you feel might benefit from knowing about this. ~ BP
Weather Terrorism Obliterates MAGA Panhandle