McCarthy: Deep state ‘took out an advertisement’ in the NY Times
The Hill

© Greg Nash
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) says the anonymous op-ed published in The New York Times blasting President Trump and discussing a resistance within the administration is proof of the Deep State.
“If you didn’t believe in the Deep State before, it just took out an advertisement in The New York Times,” McCarthy wrote in an op-edpublished by the Times on Friday.
The anonymous op-ed attributed only to a senior administration official has rocked Washington. But the California Republican, one of Trump’s closest allies in Congress and a top contender to be Speaker of the House if Republicans keep their majority, said the public should not be “shocked” that some in government may be working against the president’s policies.
“It has been clear for many years that there is a permanent political class in Washington that believes that it has a divine right to rule the American people. You could even call it a Deep State,” he continued.
McCarthy also called for the individual to be “exposed and fired” and accused the official of shattering “constitutional norms.”
“What has Mr. Trump done that warrants this extraordinary sabotage? The official complains about the president’s supposed lack of principles. However, it is clear that his real grievance is that the president does not share his principles, on issues like trade and foreign policy.”
McCarthy also slammed The New York Times for publishing the anonymous piece, which he said will only increase the public’s skepticism of the government and media.
“Another consequence of this official’s admission — and The New York Times’s decision to publish it — is to deepen the feeling of alienation that millions of Americans feel toward their government and the media,” he wrote.
“They know now that there are government officials being paid with taxpayer dollars to undermine their choice for president. It was this very feeling of distrust that led to Mr. Trump’s election in the first place.”
Since the op-ed’s publication, a number of Cabinet officials and even Vice President Mike Pence have publicly criticized the piece and denied being the author.
Trump on Friday said he believes Attorney General Jeff Sessions should investigate the identity of the anonymous author.