How our Telus wifi downgrade from 5G to 2.4G avoided genocidal EMF frequencies in our home

By Alfred Lambremont Webre 




Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada – The Monday after my participation in the June 23-24, 2018 Abort5G-BanDEW COMMUNITY CALL TO ACTION SUMMIT, I telephoned my local Internet Service Provider (ISP) Telus.com and asked them to downgrade our wifi from 5G to 2.4G for health reasons (We are renting and so cannot hardwire our Internet connections through the walls of the house, thereby avoiding the EMF health hazards of wifi.)

Our Telus customer representative, a Filipina by ethnic origin, thanked us for alerting her and Telus to the human health hazards of 5G wifi, gave us the first available appointment on Wednesday June 26, and said she would be sending the link to the Abort5G/BanDEW Summit to Telus.commanagement for their review.

Downgrading our wifi from 5G to 2.4G with our Telus technical service representative was a piece of cake, and a health-consiousness-raising exercise. Our wifi was reorganized so that 5G has been eliminated completely from our home, leaving only 2.4G, less harmful to health for the reasons set out in our letter of appreciation to the Telus rep below. The Telus rep, himself an industry techie of some experience, asked us to send him more information on the health hazards of 5G, so he could pass it on to his management.

Below is our letter to our Telus Service Representative, with our appreciation.

We urge you to read it and to take action to Abort 5G/BanDEW by:

-preventing 5G from being installed in your home wifi or in your mobile smartphone or cell phone, and

-by downgrading your wifi to 2.4G or lower or hard-wiring your Internet connection, and

-by downgrading your mobile from 5G to a lower frequency connection, or

-by discontinuing your mobile service altogether [I did after doing this research, and now discontinued 5G/DEW targeting on me and feel so much better physically and psychologically!

Join in our Canada Day (July 1) – Independence Day (July 4) Moratorium on 5G and mobiles {Details to be announced!]

Our letter to Telus.com ISP after a downgrade from 5G to 2.4G, thereby avoiding genocidal EMF frequencies in our home

Dear Telus Rep __Hi! Thank you for your assistance as our Telus service representative in implementing and supporting our downgrade from 5G to 2.4G with Telus for health reasons

Here are some of the links Links about the human health hazards of 5G technology that we spoke of yesterday, and that you asked me to send you.

*Abort5G-BanDEW SUMMIT is the first link I sent to Telus customer service when reporting this issue to Telus and requesting a downgrade from 5G to 2.4G for health reasons.

This is an international online Summit I was invited to participate in:



When I spoke with the Technical Department that ordered your unit to our house, the Telus rep she said “Thank you so much for your consciousness and for alerting us to these issues, I am sending this information and link up to the Telus management.”

5G/DEW Health documentary – This is a 27-minute documentary I produced for the Summit on the detrimental human health effects of 5G.

WATCH TrueTube Video: http://gum.co/Brpk

[FREE VIDEO – (1) Enter $0.00 in the optional donation box of the video player plus your email address, (2) Click “I want this immediately!”, (3) enter your email address and click “Get”, (4) Stream video.] 

ps – You can a voluntary donation of any amount as you wish in Step 1 to support Aborting 5G/Banning DEW.

TrueTube – 5G/DEW CALL TO ACTION: Banning 5G Phones & 5G Internet-of-Things, DEW, Neurotech Nano, Scalar, Plasma Weapons, HAARP & Chemtrails – 27+ min. video, as presented by Alfred Lambremont Webre

NOTE: There are some additional online sources on the detrimental health effects of 5G provided by the Summit, including reasons why Telus customers should use only 2.4G and not 5G.

In my legal opinion as an international lawyer and Judge, Telus may be opening itself to potential consumer products liability lawsuits by offering hazardous 5G, in the same way that tobacco companies opened themselves to consumer products liability from smokers who got cancer and other diseases from smoking tobacco.

I can send you these additional research resources if you wish. Please let me know via return email.

Please feel free to send this email to your corporate ladder at Telus. 

Thank you,

In good consumer health, Alfred

Email: Exopolitics@exopolitics.com

Recommended Reading

MORE information and research about detrimental health effects of 5G

Estos videos hay que ver/You must see these:

Barrie Trower 5G Will Devastate Humanity But Those Behind It Are Above The Law! 

Says that top scientists in 40 countries signed a petition saying the governments can’t do this! But the governments just ignore the scientific body all over the world…..they feel they are above the law. The consensus among leading scientists is that this is GENOCIDE.


IS Microwave Technology Cooking of Humanity ? – The Best Documentary Ever 


BREAKING: Scientists Admit 5G Designs Kill Humans 

Alex Jones 


BREAKING: DARPA Admits 5G Designed To Slowly Kill Population 

Alex Jones 


5G: Frequency Armageddon For Body And Mind – The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast 


5G Technology: What you need to know 


Barrie Trower On 5G Microwaves ; There is No safe Place, No Where To Go 


5G Wireless Radiation Dangers 


Real Dangers OF 5G Wireless Radiation 




Jeff Rense & Joe Imbriano – The Wicked Dangers Of 5G Frequencies 


Jon Rappoport Report On 5G Roll-out, Internet Of Things & Implications For Humanity. 


How our Telus wifi downgrade from 5G to 2.4G avoided genocidal EMF frequencies in our home

By Alfred Lambremont Webre 


Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:


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