SHADOWBANNED: How Facebook Censors You Without You Knowing

Facebook User Proves Systematic Censorship by the Social Media Giant

by Christine Dowell

Important comment submitted to SOTN

The direct opposite of censorship is freedom. The word “censor” completely contradicts the First Amendment of the United States of America.

I have been a member of Facebook for approximately 7 years, and only recently noticed how selective censoring has been attached to certain comments I’ve been posting on Facebook.  I then discovered a page on Facebook called SHADOWBANNED: How Facebook Censors You Without You Knowing, which is a page created by Gavin Robert McGowen.

I had never heard of Shadowbanning before, and was curious to know what this was. I asked to belong to the group and was granted access.  Gavin asked me if I noticed how I never received any likes and how the trolls commented mean things on my comments.  I agreed; I HAD noticed, especially on political sites or anything having to do with President Donald J. Trump.

I am usually verbally torn to pieces over my strong written support of our nation’s President. Recently, Mr. McGowan tested and proved this theory as we spoke.  We were not yet friends on Facebook and he directed me to a recent comment he had left on the Donald J. Trump Facebook page.  I went to the exact post, scrolled through every comment and indeed could not find Gavin Robert McGowen’s comment. I messaged him that I could not see or find his comment.  He friended me and then I went back to the site and viola! His comment was right on top.

You must ask yourself – why is this censoring happening?  It’s not just with comments on President Trump posts; it’s almost any political post.  The majority of us in SHADOWBANNED are Republican and support Trump.  It’s the very reason Gavin made the page–to expose this Facebook censoring, comment restriction and impeding support for President Trump.

Almost every one of us in the group has experienced censoring.  We’ve seen posts being removed that dealt with President Donald J. Trump, as well as the censorship of those not supporting liberals and/or Democrats. Many of us have posted to the group SHADOWBANNED how our own Facebook page is being sabotaged by the unseen forces behind Facebook.

I believe, as do many in the group, this censoring and suppression of our support via positive comments for President Trump are occurring to make him believe he has less support than he really has.  While this may seem petty and ridiculous to some, it’s the ONLY REASON that makes any sense.

— Christine Dowell

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