Crisis Actors Prepare For The Cleveland Republican Party National Convention

by Voice of Reason
The Last Great Stand


Pic of some Baltimore protesters, likely paid crisis actors. Note: “Dirty Soros, Jay-Z and Beyoncé Big Money Sponsored Contrived Ferguson And Baltimore Riots” – – Pic source: Found on the web.

Moral Matters writes:

Don’t be surprised when the Republican National Convention assembles next week, that propaganda mainstream media will be reporting disturbances and protests as spontaneous and genuine expressions of discontent and free speech. Don’t be fooled as radical political elements are gearing up to disrupt a free speech American traditional practice of a major political party gathering.

Expect that the U.S. Federal Government headed by crimes against peace, crimes against humanity and ID forgery fraud, aka Obama will not be helpful. Remember that he is a race baiter. He’s a divider. For the past 7 and 1/2 years he’s used his “community organizing experience” to damage and dismantle this great country.

Note the add (large pic below) calling for individuals to play-act as paid crisis actors. The same type of crisis actors which have been portrayed by the mainstream media whores, as genuine. If you haven’t come to the conclusion thatcrisis actors were [are] the central element in the government contrived propaganda / violence events such as the Sandy Hook “shooting,” the Boston Marathon “bombing,” the Orlando “shooting” and other false reality events, then there is little hope for you. This author knows no way to revive someone, politically brain-dead, short of the Grace of God infusing some honesty and the ability to connect some obvious and logical “dots.”

“Casting call for extras, actors during Cleveland RNC violence”–


Crisis actors are political propaganda mercenaries. They sell their priceless souls to play act lies and deception which disrupt everyday normal (honest) life. To be sure, crisis actors are nothing but despicable, lowlife’s. – Pic Source: “Casting call for extras, actors during Cleveland RNC violence” –

Editor’s Note:

The above mini-commentary restricted itself to “informal” crisis actors. The article would have taken enormous space if attention was given to the crisis actor politicians.

Directly related to the above:

Crisis Actors: Fraud Exposed –

Crimes Against Peace: How U.S. Government Plays Judas Against Its Own Citizens –

Dallas Ambush Fraud: Expect More Government Staged Shootings –

Featured pic source:

Wicked Billionaire, George Soros is known to help fund crisis actors. He is reported to have done so in the Ferguson, Mo. contrived protests. Pic Source: Found on the web.

Other Important Related Informational Links:


Perverted big government commits “crimes against peace” against its own citizens.

Pic Source: “U.S. Army Psychological Operations Regiment” – “PSYOP Regimental Insignia (crest).png” –

Wikipedia defines False Flags as:

The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.

Historically, the term “false flag” has its origins in naval warfare where the use of a flag other than the belligerent’s true battle flag before (but not while) engaging the enemy has long been accepted as a permissible ruse de guerre; by contrast, flying a false flag while engaging the enemy constitutes perfidy.

Operations carried out during peace-time by civilian organizations, as well as covert government agencies, can (by extension) also be called false flag operations if they seek to hide the real organization behind an operation.

In the sense that False Flags are designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them, then I suppose any actions taken by Black Lives Matter and other far left groups will appear genuine to the untrained eye. Most of the country even the participants in Black Lives Matter have been duped into thinking the “cause” is about them.

This post was forwarded on to me by a reader today, and while I am a firm believer in false flags, I am not of the belief that the coming chaos at the Republican and Democrat National Conventions will be a false flags in the “traditional sense.”I say that only because it’s going to be SOOOO obvious to many people before hand what is happening. Unfortunately, that alone won’t likely be enough to stop it. Even President Obama’s decision not to send additional money for law enforcement only enhances the idea that the Black Lives Matter ships have set sail. Next stops: The Battled at Philidelphia and Cleveland. 

The traditional course of events in a Black Flag dictate that after a horrific event takes place, and upon careful examination, only then can the entities, groups, or the nations that executed the event be identified. In the case of the Black Lives Matter movement, they’re being told LONG in advance they’re being used as someone else’s pawns, but they just don’t get it. In my own study of black flag events, I’ve never seen a group being set up to take the fall get so much advance notice. Frankly, i’ve never seen any groups being set up to take the fall given ANY notice.  

One look at previous efforts funded by George Soros such as Ukraine, the Arab Spring, the European ‘Refugee Crisis,’ Ferguson, Baltimore, or Occupy Wall Street suggest the conventions will end in bloodshed. It could be bloodshed in the cities where the events are being held, or other cities choosing to partake in what they’ve been duped into thinking is a movement about them. Either way, many will probably die, and a police state ushered in. When that happens, God help us all. 




Note: Read the following links (below) to better understand the malevolent motivation for false reality events and how these government staged events are able to “successfully” take place; thereby influencing , propagandizing and / or hoodwinking an unsuspecting and gullible public:

Crimes Against Peace: How U.S. Government Plays Judas Against Its Own Citizens –

Operation Mockingbird, CIA, NSA, Media Whores And Hoaxes –

Pernicious Mainstream Media –

CNN Exposed – Emmy Winning Former CNN Journalist, Amber Lyon, Blows The Whistle… Simultaneously Answers One of my questions… –


San Bernardino And Other False Reality Events: Legalized By Immoral Bastard U.S. Legislation –

How the NDAA Allows US Gov to Use Propaganda Against Americans – By Susanne Posel – July 22, 2013 –

“Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?” – Psalm 94:20 – KJV

Government False Realities, False Flags, Hoaxes And Psyops: Wise-Up –

Hoax, False Flag and False Reality: What Do They Have In Common? –

Telltale Signs Of Government Contrived Events –

Santa Barbara Hoax: Many Gullible Americans Still In Denial –

People who adamantly and arrogantly refuse to accept that government is corrupt and that it is criminal against its own citizens fail to realize “fallen human nature.” Please access: “Depravity Of Man: The Depravity Of Human Nature” – – Pic Source:


Crisis Actor Fraud Exposed: Moral matters Lists Multiple Lower Than Snake Belly Personalities –

Crisis Actors: Fraud Exposed –

Depravity Of Man: The Depravity Of Human Nature –

The Father Of All Criminal Conspiracies: His Goal –

Satan And Demons: Referenced In Holy Scripture –

Reported crisis actor, Victoria Munoz who has apparently appeared in multiple false reality events.

Pic source: Crisis Actress Returns? Train 188 –


The “Controlled ‘Right’” Mainstream Media Whores:

San Bernardino False Reality Shooting And Prostitutes Of Mainstream Media Whoredom –

Obama enablers: Big name supposed Conservatives –

Rush Limbaugh another Obama enabler: reader says Limbaugh is a political prostitute –

Mark Levin: Another Obama enabler and criminal co-conspirator –


“When did big government and its mainstream media tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”

“A thinking person will question what he hears; examine what he sees; and evaluate what others would have him believe.”

– [Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel]


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Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel


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