Truth and Action

Calling “All Hands”: The Immediate Arrest Of President Barack Obama

The Sergeant at Arms is authorized to arrest and detain any person violating Senate rules, including the President of the United States,” states the website.

The Sergeant at Arms of the United States Senate, currently Andrew B. Willison, is the only person with authority to arrest a sitting president – if the president has violated Senate rules – which Obama certainly has.

But what if the Sergeant at Arms won’t do his job and arrest the President when crimes have been committed?

If Andrew Willison will not perform his duty and arrest the president for crimes Obama has committed, is Mr. Willison not complicit and guilty of a criminal act himself?

Can we have Mr. Willison arrested or at least removed for failing to perform his duty? Who can perform this arrest or removal?

Furthermore, if this person won’t live up to their responsibility and arrest or remove the Sergeant at Arms who is complicit in the president´s crimes, who can remove that person?

Is there some place where the rubber meets the road here?

Is there a point at which “we as a people” can take legal and lawful action, applying pressure where we can, to ultimately arrest the President and all those complicit in his crimes?

We are calling an ‘all hands’ here to try to discover if there is a valid method for ultimately having the president arrested using the above line of thought.

Please share this post and leave any information you might know in the comments. We request that you don’t make any comments that would appear to be physically threatening to the president or advocates any action that is not LEGAL AND LAWFUL.

Thank you patriots.


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