While Bernie Finally Folds, War With Russia Looms

Santa Rosa, CA
June 23, 2016

by Rich Scheck

Concurrent with the demise of the Sanders campaign, war with
Russia looms over the horizon.

With Bernie finally admitting that he has lost the battle to become
the Democratic nominee for president, the prospect of war with
Russia is emerging as a serious possibility.

President Putin is clear that the installation of missiles in Romania and Poland and the deployment of NATO troops on its borders constitute a major escalation of the tension between Russia and the West. http://www.choiceandtruth.com/2016/06/vladimir-putin-warns-of-great-danger.html?m=1

Amidst all the clamor between Bernie and Hillary….and now
Clinton and Trump….important issues of war and peace have been ignored. Many feel the election is merely a distraction.

Syria, Ukraine, the South China Sea, ISIS, TPP and TTIP and other urgent matters relating to foreign policy have barely been mentioned.

On the Democratic side, Sanders has to be blamed for much of this development. By failing to hammer Hillary during the primaries on her mistakes as Secretary of State, he essentially gave her a pass allowing her to posture as an experienced leader when in fact her record is one of consistent failure.

It is left to Trump to raise these issues and portray his deeply flawed rival as not only incompetent, but also corrupt in using her position in government to benefit personally through speaker fees and donations to the Clinton Foundation.

Much of the evidence proving these allegations can be found in her e-mails and on her server. Yet Sanders early in the game announced that the American people were tired of hearing about all that and invited the debate moderators to change the subject.

With Obama providing protection in high places to eschew any
prosecutions while endorsing his former cabinet official, it looks like Hillary will skate past any accountability unless the public can rise up and collectively say no to her shenanigans in November.

With Trump starting to stumble and sound somewhat hollow in his
repeating the litany of Hillary horrors, it may just be that we are soon to see a second Clinton in the White House.

That will make “herstory” in the realm of gender politics but might also lead to a more consequential impact on future events to the extent that her hawkish ways and openly confrontational approach towards Russia could lead to war. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article44944.htm

What is now clear is that Sanders’ impact on history will be far less than it might have been had he fully embraced the potential to orchestrate the widespread disaffection within the electorate. https://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=39820

Saying yes to Hillary will be an endorsement of the Wall Street candidate and everything he supposedly was against. She is the establishment’s choice along with the Neocons who clamor for more war.

I say shame on Sanders for capitulating to those David Stockman calls “hyper-interventionists” with their expensive “imperial footprint” that makes ordinary Americans less safe and a lot poorer. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article44935.htm

He had his chance to promote “Amerexit” from the New World Order but his silence during the campaign and ultimate endorsement of Hillary makes him fully complicit with the globalists backing Clinton.

How this will all play out with his supporters in the 20 weeks left before the vote remains to be seen. But should Clinton somehow prevail in capturing the White House and ends up plunging the country into a war with Russia and/or China, Sanders mark on history might be as negative as that pre-WWII appeaser, British Prime Minister Chamberlain.

With only Trump indicating that he prefers to cooperate with President Putin, the contrast on that issue, and other matters of foreign policy, would seem to indicate his policies are superior.

However, with the media and the entrenched leadership of both parties set against Trump, the easy successes he had during the Republican primaries may escape him. http://www.infowars.com/nbc-producer-calls-would-be-trump-assassin-good-guy-with-a-gun/

Do dark days lie ahead for America? It seems that no matter who
wins in 2016, there is little reason to be optimistic for the foreseeable future. Whether that includes more wars with Russia or anyone else, we are soon to find out. https://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=40790

And with today’s BREXIT vote reminding the globalists that their
agenda is under attack, their true plans for the future are starting
to appear. Here at home the goal is to make our armies into a “global force for peace” (http://src-fla.us/index.php/toolkit/78-news-articles/110-ben-fulford) while in the UK voters are not being told of the forthcoming EU Army.(http://www.infowars.com/proposed-eu-army-hidden-from-british-voters-until-after-brexit/).

The world is rapidly transforming from one of sovereign nation states into one anticipating a global government formulated by The Bilderbergers, Trilateralists and CFR crowd along with Goldman Sachs and the rest of the banksters.

Wake up humanity: your future is being decided for you!

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