Sanders Shows His True Colors

Rohnert Park, CA
April 27, 2016

by Rich Scheck

Bernie “the closet hawk” has finally shown his true colors!

Rather than doing something bold as he nears the end of
his quixotic campaign for the White House, Sanders stepped
up and endorsed the Obama “kill list” program and plans to
place more boots on the ground in Syria:

And all those left-wing peaceniks hoping for free education and free
health care thought the lovable man from Vermont was against war.

So much for understanding the Constitution and the role of Congress
in declaring war. More mission creep and endless conflict are fine with
the Socialist Senator.

Sorry, dear friends. Other than one vote and an occasional mention
of the evils of our over-extended foreign policy, Sanders has been
on board for war like virtually the entire political class in Washington.

While the 9/11 families clamor for some truth about what really
happened during the attack, our fearless politico forgoes doing
something truly courageous like reading the 28 redacted pages from
the Senate Intelligence Report into the Congressional Record.

Instead, he took the easy way out and supported the same unitary
executive approach that Obama expanded after Bush used it during his
two terms to launch The War On Terror.

Bernie: please do something useful before fading into oblivion. Please read those 28 pages and educate yourself about why we sent troops
to fight a war of aggression in Iraq based on lies.

Then read them into the Congressional Record as your pal from
Alaska, Mike Gravel, did during Watergate with the Pentagon Papers.

Only then might you earn a footnote in the history books!

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