The Boycott Option: Just Say —> N. O. P. E.!

Healdsburg, CA
April 21, 201

by Rich Scheck

The vast majority of American citizens are not ready to participate
in a violent revolution even though many are thoroughly disgusted by
our political system.

In the face of this otherwise bleak situation, a new option has
emerged as an alternative to voting for the two major party
candidates, voting for a third-party selection…….or staying home.

It’s called N. O. P. E. and constitutes a sophisticated form of
election boycott.

Similar in spirit to Ralph Nader’s “none of the above” idea from the 1990’s,
it is a peaceful way of throwing a monkey wrench into the machinery
of our present party system while remaining within the Constitutional
framework established by our Founders.

It’s definitely a long-shot approach. But what are millions of
disaffected voters supposed to do besides write nasty letters to
their Congressmen, kick the TV after watching all the bad news or
waste their time and energy on false prophets like Bernie Sanders.

By taking the time to vote while not actually pulling the lever for one
of the presidential candidates, you can record your disgust with the
available choices.

This will produce a quantifiable measure of those withholding their
consent and a way of showing massive displeasure with any future
claim to legitimacy by whoever “wins!”

This idea provided by Bret Redmayne-Titley in his long essay is
an invitation to do something potentially meaningful in the context of
the current election that has a high likelihood of getting the attention
of other voters, the media and whoever ultimately prevails in the
2016 race for the White House.

Please read and reflect on what he wrote. See if you agree that this
may somehow work to slow the erosion of our rights, reverse the trend
towards tyranny and restore the vision of liberty that inspired previous

We can make America great again……….with or without Mr. Trump!
In order to do so, we must take action and this is one unique avenue
that might have an impact!

What do you think about just saying N. O. P. E.?

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