Hillary, Israel and The Neocons

Mountain View, CA
March 9, 2016

by Rich Scheck


US pro-Israel groups are backing Hillary Clinton in 2016 while they condemn Donald Trump.

For those who love Israel and dislike Hillary, this raises some serious issues:




Considering the immense baggage and many scandals she would bring to the White House, it is curious that so many are rejecting Trump in favor of the deeply flawed former Secretary of State. http://rinf.com/alt-news/newswire/the-hillary-clinton-emails-a-record-of-imperialist-crimes/

Trump, who is close to Bibi Netanyahu and whose two adult children are married to Jews, is under constant attack for stating he would be fair to the Palestinians if elected president.


With Hillary likely to capture the Democratic nomination, it will be interesting to see how the followers of Bernie Sanders deal with the hawkish Hillary: 


In the face of unending opposition from the Neocons for his avowed willingness to work with Putin and the Russians, a Clinton-Trump face-off in November will raise troubling issues for all Americans but especially for those who love peace and also support Israel.

With so many on the left exclaiming the fascistic tendencies of Trump, it is fascinating to this observer that they somehow miss the culprits riding high in their own ranks. 

A President Clinton will test even the most loyal of the remaining  progressives if her record of support for Wall Street and the Military-Industrial Complex continues:


The over-whelming majority of the electorate is in open revolt against the establishments of both parties as we saw again tonight with the Sanders victory in the Michigan primary:  http://video.foxnews.com/v/4792646146001/hannity-there-is-a-political-revolution-under-way/?intcmp=hpvid1#sp=show-clips


If only there were a viable way to unite these diverse factions into a new party with a simple agenda of peace and prosperity to rid Washington of its imperial ways and thrust for global hegemony.


That looks extremely unlikely in 2016.  The issues raised above will linger profoundly as the election cycle proceeds while our foreign policy appears locked in the same pattern for the years ahead.








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