Election 2016 Predictions

Soledad, CA
January 10, 2016

by Rich Scheck

Here are some predictions by candidates, pollsters and pundits about who is going
to win the 2016 presidential election.

Bernie can win: http://news.yahoo.com/bernie-sanders-says-hes-democrats-most-electable-presidential-190509554.html

Trump can beat Hillary: http://www.infowars.com/video-trump-to-win-election-polls-show/
(But can The Donald beat Sanders………..after Hillary is indicted?)

GOP in a landslide in 2016

No matter what you think of Alex Jones, he is often correct in his assessments of the
current political situation. The poll indicating a 20% crossover vote from the Democrats
for Trump is consistent with my claim that Trump is essentially a third-party candidate
in GOP clothing reflecting the widespread disgust with both parties.

Bonus: the power of the new technology for a possible third-party or election boycott:

This is one of the most tumultuous elections in recent memory, reflecting the generally
chaotic situation both here at home and abroad. Things will become clearer after the first
few primaries and the Iowa caucus are held next month. Then we get make some more predictions based on better evidence.

Oh yes: for the record, I am continuing my prediction that the election is Trumps to lose!
As things now stand, despite all his negatives, there is no reason to doubt he will win!

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