From Jim Stone:
Since a coup is still underway on all fronts, THANK YOU for writing about this bill which is obviously designed to hamstring T and remove him from power, much less get us into war with Russia. So very SAD!!!

My comment: Yeah, when I first started reading it, I thought “this is really going to be bad for Iran” and then all of a sudden it turned to all Russia and the President and I thought “Wait a minute, this is NOT AN IRAN SANCTIONS BILL AS STATED, and deceptively summarized as, and deceptively started as. All they did was use the Iran part of the bill as cover and they made it long enough to glass over 99.995 percent of the eyes that look at it to cause them to bore and look away before they get to the vast majority of the bill, which is all about castrating the President and sparking war with Russia.

If you did not see this bill when I posted it yesterday, SCROLL DOWN to the headline “FREAKY NEW BILL PASSED THE SENATE”. Clearly, America is a nation under siege and they absolutely CAN ram this bill through, right over Trump’s veto if they get a super majority, and with 98 percent voting YES in the senate, it looks like it will be a done deal when it hits the house.

The top headline here, is directly related to this topic so it should be read also.

July 24 posts start here


The story about the pastor getting inside information about a sudden removal of Trump is true. The rest of what Sorcha posted is true. I studied all of this, and even posted the bill Sorcha is talking about this morning, with explanations for how to get to the meat of that bill without spending days. DOOM ON, a couple of today’s posts are AWFUL.


Earlier today I posted a new bill that already passed the Senate and is headed for the House. It is basically an open declaration of war on Russia and Iran, that ties the hands of President Trump and makes him a helpless forced accomplice in anything that happens. It appears they are going for a super majority so it cannot be overridden with a veto. Well, I came across a Sorcha report (we all know about Sorcha) but this time, a large portion of it was actually true. I fact checked this, and it is BANG ON. And that has me about ready to need a change of shorts. Take a look at this quote:

From Sorcha, at (and don’t message me scolding me for posting Sorcha, because this is actually accurate:-)

“Following that meeting with President Trump, this report continues, Pastor Howard-Browne, yesterday, revealed to his global congregation that he had spent three hours (from 9:30 in the evening until 12:30am) with a senior ranking member of the US Congress, and whose conversation he described as: “He said there is a plot on Capitol Hill to take the president out, I said you mean by impeachment or by indictment – he said no, to take him out, he will be removed suddenly from office.”

Pastor Howard-Browne, this report notes, further revealed that this senior US Congressman had been in office since 1996 and had, also, warned him “there’s nothing we can do to stop it” – and whose plot to do so was being planned by the “Deep State” that has been trying to destroy President Trump since the very day he won the presidency.

Of the greatest crime committed by President Trump against his “Deep State” enemies necessitating his “sudden removal”, this report details, is his plan to end all illegal US wars of aggression so that he can use the trillions-of-dollars spent on this madness to rebuild his own nation – with one of his own top military leaders, Special Operations Command Chief of the US Army General Raymond Thomas III, acknowledging that American forces are fighting in a sovereign Syria where they will likely have no ability to stay if their presence is questioned in terms of international law, and General Thomas adding: “We’re bad day away from Russians asking, Why are you still in Syria?”

As the MoFA reported yesterday too (see our article New US Law To Remove Trump From Power And Declare War On Russia “Will Be Met By Force”), this report notes, President Trump’s “Deep State” enemies are just days away from passing a new law that will effectively, and for the first time in American history, remove him from having to power over his own military and foreign policy – and that even the European Union is now warning the Americans that it “will retaliate within days” if this law takes effect.

MY COMMENT: This morning I posted the new bill that would certainly mean war with Russia and castrate Trump by forcing him to be subservient to Congress when I never thought that could be done. The branches are supposed to be separate. Now we have a popular American preacher that says they are going to “take Trump out”. The final paragraph of the Sorcha report is also probably true:

“President Trump’s only pathway to survival, this report concludes, is if he can rally tens-of-millions of armed American citizens to his defense when this overthrow takes place, as President Recep Erdogan had done during the Obama-CIA 2016 coup d’etat attempt to remove him from power – and that Trump eerily predicted just a year ago, in July 2016, when he cryptically Tweeted: “Looks like a military coup is underway in Turkey. They’re taking their country back! Will be the same in the US soon if I’m President!”

My comment:

If this happens, we had damn well better lock and load, because the Deep State will then prove that it will not allow a peaceful solution to the problems we voted for Trump to solve. And if you did not read that bill I posted this morning, scroll down and take a look, and at least search the terms I said to search so you can spot read it. It is a devastating bill that probably will be rammed through with a super majority.

Trump needs round the clock prayer!

Pastor: Senior Republican Told Me of Plan to “Take Out” Trump

“You can read between the lines”

Paul Joseph Watson | – July 24, 2017

BREAKING: Congressman Warns Of Plot To Overthrow Trump

New report further confirms Deep State plan to sabotage POTUS – July 24, 2017


Insanity run a muck…….Trump better start going on the offensive….most of these entrenched EVIL Senators have dirty hands and just begging to be investigated and removed from office.

From Jim Stone:


S.722 – Countering Iran’s Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017 is far more about Russia than Iran, and on top of that, makes the President a punishable slave of the system!

If this bill passes Russia is going to be PISSED.
I don’t know how crap like this even gets written, but it passed with a majority of 98 percent in the Senate. If it does pass the House and then get ratified, it may result in a hot war against Russia. First of all –

The bill does basically destroy Iran by cutting Iran off entirely via sanctions. They are going to “North Korea” Iran. All the while Iran actually did live up to all non nuclear proliferation agreements so far. Contrary to what has been widely stated, Iran has not violated any of the nuclear agreements, and Trump had to acknowledge that last week. So the response then was to draft up an entirely new Congressional act, that is an obvious attempt to slap Iran back to an economic stone age.

The bill is mostly about destroying Russia

Additionally, only the first 25 percent of the bill says anything about Iran at all. After the first 25 percent or so (which is long all by itself) it then calls Russia a supporter of Iran, and goes on an extended enormous rant about how Russia needs to be cut off from the rest of the world financially and economically, because “Russia provides support to Iran”. HOWEVER, AFTER YOU GET PAST THE HEADLINE ON THE RUSSIA PORTION OF THE BILL, A WORD SEARCH PROVES THAT IRAN IS NOT MENTIONED EVEN ONCE IN RELATION TO RUSSIA. There is no explanation whatsoever for why Russia needs to be punished for “supporting Iran” because if there was, Iran would have to be mentioned at least once in the Russian section!

Why would a bill written to punish Iran, and titled to punish Iran and in the summary talk only about Iran in fact be mostly about Russia once read? Obviously they are trying to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes with this!

The bill is also mostly about usurping Presidential powers, and forcing the President to do a hell of a lot of work to make this bill happen.

It says right at the beginning that it is not about usurping Presidential powers, but all through the bill the President is required to do this and that, that and this, and that, that and THAT. I did not think the President could be ordered to do anything at all, but this bill makes the President look like a crud-scraping employee.
The bill is very lengthy and convoluted. If anyone wanted to really understand it, it would take days of reading. HERE IS HOW YOU MAKE THE JOB OF GETTING THROUGH IT EASIER:

  1. Do a word search for Iran. You will see that after the top 25 percent, Iran is never mentioned again.
  2. Do a word search for Russia. You will see that from the 25 percent point down to about the 80 percent point, it is 100 percent Russia and Iran is never mentioned.
  3. Do a word search for President. You will then see that the President is ordered around so much here that it makes the position look subservient to the Congress.

Then go back and spot check it everywhere, with those search terms, so you can get a feel for what they are really doing with this bill. You will quickly realize that the only appropriate response from Iran and Russia would be World War 3.

I can’t believe anyone but the shadow government would EVER PEN THIS!

Don’t get trapped by the summary, The actual bill is here

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