Trump Should Replace UN Ambassador Haley With……..Pat Buchanan!

Carlsbad, Ca
March 16, 2017

by Rich Scheck

Pat Buchanan listened to what Donald Trump said when he ran for president
last year, especially regarding his references to an America First foreign policy:

It appears that former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley was too busy running
her state to read the memo about working with the Russians:

Sadly, Trump’s entire team seems to advocate constraining so-callled
“Russian aggression” when it is the United States that is rapidly escalating
the use of military force in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Whether we should ever trust Russia or not, it is ridiculous for a high-profile
diplomat to bad-mouth a major power in the way Haley has in apparent
contradiction to her Commander-In-Chief.

Our excessive reliance on force is the same failed approach used by the Neocon
inspired Administrations of George Bush and Barack Obama that Trump derided
during his campaign and which Hillary Clinton promised to continue.

Trump may want to remind folks of his true agenda by firing Haley and perhaps
replacing her with Buchanan……………..or maybe even Rand Paul. Paul was
the subject of Senator McCain’s spleen for putting America First as our new
president promised last year and in his Inaugural Address.

Haley may not come across as unhinged as the belligerent Senator from Arizona.
But unless Trump gets her to change her tune, it will be hard for those watching
to believe he isn’t on the same page as her………..and that includes the Russians!

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