The Start of Actual #PizzaGate Arrests? Search Warrant Executed
Is This the Actual Start of Real Arrests Regarding #PizzaGate? Search Warrant Executed
Is Alderman Thomas Katsiantonis I now officially will refer to as “Pedo Kats” the first pending arrest to be seen in this #PizzaGate scandal? Here I believe we have the first potential arrest of a potentially directly connected low level individual. Will they offer him a deal to get “Pedo Kats” to testify against others that are higher up and involved? That would make a lot of sense to me. They just executed a search warrant on his businesses.
Here is the Article about the Search:
This “Pedo Kats” individual ran three businesses all of them Pizza Shops. The Pedo Pizza Shops are “Zoey’s Pizza”, “Grand Slam Pizza”, and “Tommy K’s”. All of them were located in Manchester, NH. According to the Article:
“Katsiantonis was elected to the Board of Aldermen in 2011. A democrat, he is serving his sixth term as a New Hampshire State Rep, and sits on the State-Federal Relations, and Veterans Affairs committees. According to the NH General Court website, Katsiantonis has not been present for a roll call vote since Jan. 4, 2017, and missed the last 19 votes this session, where he is listed as “not voting/not excused.” Source
Another Article on This Search Warrant Conducted:
Image 1 Katsiantonis with Hillary Clinton:
Big Thanks to These two Twitter Handles for sending me the links and photos:
- And weinerherzog2 for finding that Obama photo, but I think his twitter is gone now so no link, sorry.