Pastor Held Captive In Iran For 3 Years, Reveals What Trump Did For His Family

By Proud Conservative

Iranian-American Pastor Saeed Abedini is a very well-known at this point, as he’s been a hot topic for a very long time. He was help captive as an Iranian prisoner for being a Christian and spreading the gospel, but there is a part of his story that you’ve probably never heard about.

Before Trump was even running for president he helped Abedini and his family, while Hillary literally did nothing while she was Secretary of State at the time.


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From Christian Today:
In a surprising revelation, Abedini said the Republican presidential nominee helped provide for the needs of his family in Boise, Idaho while he was locked up in an Iranian prison for his faith. The pastor said Trump gave his family $10,000 while he was imprisoned for three and a half years.

“I am finally free in a free country. Last year on the same day I was sick and in chains for Christ, and now I can vote to choose my next president,” Abedini said in a post on his Facebook page on Sunday.

“And most amazingly, I can vote for someone that I know fought for me and called my name so many times. He met my family and gave them a $10,000 gift. I think his ideas are more biblical than the other candidates,” he added.

“As a woman who says she stands for women’s rights when she was foreign minister, she never contacted my mom, wife, sister or my daughter. She never did anything to help when I was in prison as an American pastor who was detained in Iran as a hostage,” he wrote.

Abedini strongly defended Trump from attacks on his character, saying God used flawed men to lead nations in the Old Testament, likening him to King Cyrus of Persia, a figure mentioned more than 30 times in the Bible. According to Bible experts, Cyrus was a great pagan king who ruled Persia from 539 to 530 B.C. Under his rule, Jews were first allowed to return to Israel after 70 years of captivity.

“In the past few months, we have seen how media is attacking Donald Trump’s past. I have even heard so many people said he is not a Christian. Of course, only God knows this for sure, but what I see is God is using him and anointed him. It seems to me that he is the Cyrus of our modern day, but like you and me, he is a flawed man, in the process of spiritual growth,” Abedini said.

The pastor pointed out that those who are condemning Trump for his past are forgetting that America is also a nation “saved by grace.”

“When we hear that this candidate or that candidate is not a strong Christian or has a past that disqualifies him to be the President of the United States, my answer is that we are a nation, a people who are also sinners, saved by grace,” he wrote.

Last week, Abedini said he already cast an early vote for Trump in the 2016 presidential election.





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