Proof the Russians Did Not Hack the Election!

Chaos on Meet the Press! Reince Priebus Will Not Be Bullied by Chuck Todd!

Chuck Todd is such a tool. Reince Priebus wouldn’t be bullied! First it’s “Fake News” Now the Russians did it! The entire liberal media is trying to question the election based on Russian hacking.

Judge Napolitano made it very clear several times that it wasn’t the Russians , it was our own FBI and NSA! For the past few weeks the MSM and liberals have been pushing the idea really hard that the Russians committed cyber warfare to make sure Trump won the election.

Judge Napolitano says it is the FBI and the NSA. They hate Hillary so bad that they broke the law to make sure she didn’t get elected. Hillary used this talking point as a big issue in the debate. Trump clearly knows what is going on.


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