I’ve created this blog to share the information 4chan has collectively gathered and researched about a suspected pedophilia and human trafficking ring that we seem to have uncovered existing within our DC politicians and the elite class.
It all started with one incredibly suspicious email that had skeptics suggesting they weren’t actually talking about pizza, but rather in code. Here it is;
If this is not speaking in code, then it makes absolutely NO SENSE. Not a single person has been able to offer a coherent explanation on what this could mean if ACTUALLY pizza and map related…
Not to mention this disturbing “coincidence”.
Read the headliner above on the website. “Evelyn is growing up. Soon she will be the queen of the entire US of A. right now, for a limited time only, you can spend some time with her online, raw and uncut. Take advantage of this now, as in the future she will have the power of life and death over you.” FUCKING BARF. The bottom email is from JOHN PODESTA’S email dump by Wikileaks.
In other Podesta emails, a pizza joint called “Comet Ping Pong Pizza” is referenced multiple times. You can find this at Wikileaks Podesta search = Comet
This is where it starts to get weird, and I will try to bring in only the most relevant evidence. John Podesta is Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, and he also served this position for Obama. He acted as a chief of staff to Bill Clinton. He is not an elected official, but it is clear he has real influence in American politics. In the emails, you will read that this Comet location seems to be a hot spot, serving as a fundraiser location for both Obama and Hillary Clinton. Why would they choose a pizza joint supposedly kid-friendly with the main attraction being PING PONG TABLES IN THE BASEMENT??
First suspicious activity is merely its location. Check out these FBI issued known pedophilia symbology:
Comet Pizza is located right across the street from “Beyond Borders”, which says on its website it works to “end child slavery and violence against girls” in Haiti and it is a subsidiary of the Clinton Foundation Charity. Confirmation of these facts can be found by visiting this website: Beyond Borders
Okay, so all coincidence so far. Let’s take a look at the symbology seen in this area. First Comet Ping Pong’s storefront:
Weird, but proves nothing. But wait, let’s look at the Besta Pizza symbol (two stores down from Comet and owned by DOJ employee Andrew Kline).
Please refer back up to known pedophile symbology. This one is so blatantly obvious, it’s disgusting. But anyone could say this is all just speculation. Let’s look across the street, at the Terasol Bistro and Artisan Gallery that is two stores away from Clinton’s Beyond Borders. This was found on their website. Please look toward the bottom.
An adult hand with a kid’s hand inside known pedo symbol for little girl lovers – the double heart. GIVE ME A BREAK. These people are hiding in plain sight. But okay, I know everything continues to be just speculation. Now it’s going to take a turn for the ugly, and VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. THESE IMAGES CONTAIN DISTURBING MATERIAL.
The owner of Comet Ping Pong is James Alefantis. James also owns the “Bucks Fishing and Camping” store that advertises cutting meat with a machete…
James “jimmycomet” is the ex-lover of Correct the Record’s David Brock (a pro-Hillary super PAC which has gone on record stating it funds millions of dollars for online trolls to confront anyone talking negatively about Hillary Clinton on social media such as Facebook, Reddit, Twitter and yes, even 4chan). We happened to find his Instagram… and this is when it starts to get very disturbing.
Here we see a unique Jeffrey Dahmer sculpture posted on James’ Instagram. This is important because the owner of this one-of-a-kind art piece is none other than Tony Podesta (John Podesta’s brother). In the comments, he even admits this is indeed at Tony’s house. Check out the Washington Post article talking about Tony’s “art”.
Tony also mentions in a different article one of his favorite artists is Biljana Djurdjevic. Link: Tony Podesta Article
Here’s a quick look at her art. If this woman isn’t/wasn’t a victim, I will eat my own shoe. (Material copyright of Biljana Djurdjevic)
It is interesting to look at Kim Noble’s art, who is known for suffering Satanic Ritual Abuse and her personality has permanently splintered into different entities. In this painting, you can see five adults standing in what looks to be a pentagram. Below the child being raped, there is a handkerchief and this appears in multiple of Kim’s paintings. Apparently the handkerchiefs are put under the child to collect blood/semen as a token or “map”. Hmm, where else have we heard about a handkerchief recently?
Okay, so back to the owner of Comet Ping Pong Pizza. Let’s take a look at some of his Instagram postings, and please tell me it does not make your skin crawl. Oh and is anybody surprised he’s a fan/friend of Marina Abramovic, Ms. Satanic Spirit Cooker herself? Marina Spirit Cooking You know, the woman who we recently learned through Podesta leaks likes to hold private Spirit Cooking nights at her house and invites the Podestas? On a reddit AMA, she even admitted herself, if these rituals are performed in a gallery, it is art, but if in private or even on TV or film, it is NOT art. Then what is it Marina? C’mon people, don’t be blind.
Oh and I’m sure it’s just a coincidence this she-beast hangs out with top celebrities like Lady Gaga, Beyonce and JayZ. Totally normal stuff, guys. More concerning, though, is that she hangs out with John Podesta and Hillary Clinton…
About four years ago, a random baby pops up on his feed. Read the comment “cuteness is very serious business.. Seriously”. Sure, not too disturbing until you look at this pic:
Not too disturbing? THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS.
Notice someone even says “this is pretty creepy bro” in the comments. Ping pong table in the background…
Here’s a compilation from 4chan.
Notice in the lower left corner, there is a picture of a freezer room. James captions it “ohh looks like fun”, a friend comments #killroom and #murder. Going to the friend’s Instagram, you will find pictures of baby coffins. Can’t make this shit up, people. I’ll search for a pic for proof on 4chan, I didn’t screenshot earlier because I thought people were just posting joke pics at first.
It gets weirder. Anon found the Instagram of a person named Josh who works at Comet Ping Pong. Check this out:
Notice he even tags Comet Ping Pong as the location? “CUM VISIT”. And I’m not sure how accurate because I didn’t want to Google it, but someone on 4chan said honey has a specific connotation in the pedo world.
Here’s the owner again wearing “little boy lover” glasses.
I am going to move away from the owner of Comet Pizza now, although there is other very weird things going on there but I can’t cover it all.
Comet pretends to be kid friendly, yet a woman named Sasha Lord designs these really messed up posters to promote upcoming bands playing.
Notice how the poster looks a lot like the Jeffrey Dahmer art. Also, on the pizza poster, WHAT THE FUCK IS PIZZA EXORCISM? And why is it all ages? Internet searching the band Heavy Breathing returns interesting results. A member of the band is named Amanda Kleinman. Check out one of her many creepy Youtube videos where she refers to herself as “puppet” and literally talks like a baby (using w’s instead of l’s, etc.). I chose this video because she has drawn what is known as a “Changeling” – a spirit that steals a human child and replaces it. Google it. Fucking creepy. Creepy Klein Video
Okay so at very best, these are very odd, Satanic type people. At worst, they are part of a massive pedophile and human trafficking ring that involves some of the world’s most powerful people. Is it a coincidence Clinton Foundation only works in countries that do not issue birth certificates? Or that Bill Clinton rode on Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ 26 times (that we know of)?
Even creepier is that we KNOW there are underground tunnels in DC, and there are some very close to Connecticut Ave. Look at what the owner posted:
What are they doing? Notice the ping pong table against the wall?
Another name of interest is Rachel Chandler. She is pictured here with Bill Clinton at what most expect is age 15. She even writes on her Instagram (before it went private) that she was only 15 when she was pictured with P. Diddy, Eminem. Now on her tumbler and Instagram, there are photos of random naked children. Rachel “Child Handler” Tumbler We believe she is now involved in recruiting. The evidence on Instagram was more damning, but we can no longer access her posts.
It doesn’t stop there. Look close enough and you may see it in places you’d never believe.

This is very disturbing stuff, and I believe any sane citizen can connect these dots and say something very sinister is happening. I am honestly horribly frightened at what we’ve uncovered, and I fear for the life of those who try to expose it, including my own.
UPDATE 11/9 – Anon has learned of a password secured area for Comet Pizza http://www.cometpingpong.com/protected This is extremely odd for a pizza place. Within hours, Anon had infiltrated the servers. I’m not a hacker, so I’m just relaying information here, but it seems there is extensive security which even our best men have not been able to breach. ALL THAT TO PROTECT A PIZZA JOINT? They have confirmed the coded files names able to be viewed but not downloaded are video files.
UPDATE 11/10 – Besta Pizza officially changed their logo. Dr. Pong Site is hosted by the same admin that hosts cometpingpong.com. They advertise on a menu “sticky as a long, slow summertime fuck – 10,000”. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK.