Will it be a soft coup of hard coup?

The Quiet before the Storm

Author Unknown

I think the Clinton’s changed Obummer’s mind about complying with the soft coup.  At first he cancelled all campaign appearances and deleted all social media accounts where her name is mentioned.  They did that because they agreed to the soft coup.

But Hellary has never agreed to the soft coup, so she apparently has convinced Obummer that he is a fool to cave in when they are so close to the election, which they know is totally rigged in her favor.  So Obummer did an about face.

That is what I think happened.

The Intelligence Community and Military now know that that is their decision, so that is why there was a military call up last night.

They wanted a soft coup where there was no violence, in exchange for letting them get off with light sentences (slaps on the wrist), but greedy Hellary said “no dice”.

So now we have the military organizing a HARD coup.  That takes some preparations and organization and careful strategy.

They would not have gone public with this soft coup information, if the counter coup to Hellary’s criminal coup was not DEAD SERIOUS.  Its going to be a hanging party for someone.  My bet is that the clintons and Obummers will be the ones hung out to dry, NOT the military and NOT the intelligence community.

They know all too well that if the elite pursue their course with another rigged fraudulent election, showing Hellary won, THERE WILL BE AN UPRISING BY WE THE PEOPLE WHICH WILL RESULT IN A CIVIL WAR.  This is to be avoided.  And the Military knows this.

Last Friday the Military was trying to calm the troops who wanted make their move then.  It was decided to try this diplomatic approach first through the intelligence group.  But the Military is apparently chomping at the bit to do what they should have done a long time ago, especially now that it is clear that ALL of our elections have been rigged since 2001.

All of our military personnel take an oath to protect America from enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC.  In my opinion they have been remiss with the latter part.  But the cat is way out of the bag, thanks to Wikileaks, alternative media and the internet, so it is different this time.

We are in a historical moment.  Yes, PRAY for wisdom for the leaders of this counter coup.  And use this time to prepare for unrest and martial law.  (Stock up on essential items.)

I’m in California and I ran errands today with my “Hillary for Prison” t-shirt and I was getting high fives every where I went!

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