We Know Who We Are

We Know Who We Are

Few of us have thought much about the psychological games that are being played by the treasonous “mainstream media” with its intent to destabilize our personal identities, i.e. knowing who we are.

Let’s stop and think for a moment: the dots we must connect are media-contrived words such as “populist,” “nativist,” “nationalist,” and “constitutionalist,” among others. These words all have a shaming connotation lurking in the shadows of our conscious minds. They are intended to marginalize us, disrupt our sense of our authentic selves, and shift us from the offense to the defense; like the clever words “conspiracy theorist” used to do, until we woke up to that mind-game.

Let’s also think for a moment about the mind-game of establishment politicians all “wrapping themselves in the flag” by wearing American flag lapel pins. It’s a small thing, right? Wrong. The intent is to pretend conspicuous loyalty to American principles, while selling out America and the American people at the same time. They’re IMPOSTERS. This, too, is intended to disrupt our sense of who we are because now everyone in the Administration and in Congress is wearing American flag lapel pins and, thereby, have tried to appropriated one of the time-honored symbols of our identity.

You can tell that these mind-games have been working because some of us have marginalized ourselves by allowing our personal identities to be connected to the words “patriots,” and members of a “liberty movement,” and some of us even want to be known as “oath-takers.”

Wake up and grow up.

Our personal identities are deeply rooted, unmistakable and unshakable. Our authentic selves are deeply rooted and unmistakable and unshakable.

We are, and always have been,  Americans. And that’s it.

We have a clear understanding of who we are, which is eloquently expressed in our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and the symbolism of national sovereignty under our Stars and Stripes. We have over two centuries—240 years—of history behind us.

We don’t have to wear American flag lapel pins because we already know who we are.

And in like manner, marginalizing ourselves as “patriots” and belonging to a “liberty movement” is equally preposterous. We are just Americans doing what Americans do: We rise up together to take on all enemies, foreign and domestic, and send them scurrying like the scheming rats they are, when we shine the public light on them.


Mind-Games 24/7: http://wp.me/P6GDMS-C2
The Website: www.americannationalservice.com
The Book: http://spaces.hightail.com/space/elrhN

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