Is The Clinton Foundation The Breakaway Civilization?

Three Rivers, OR
September 19, 2016

by Rich Scheck

Richard Dolan created a new term to describe the Secret Space
Program that has flourished unbeknownst to most Americans
ever since the end of WW II when the OSS/CIA brought over the
NAZI space scientists under Operation Paperclip.

Joseph Farrell used the premise of Dolan’s theory to write two
incredible books building on the above thesis which other researchers
including Jim Marrs and Michael Salla have also written about.

The new revelations flowing out of the massive corruption at the heart
of the Clinton Foundation are raising the possibility that it is being used
as the key funding mechanism to finance the Breakaway Civilization.
http://stateofthenation2012. com/?p=49695

Recent reports outlining the extent of the scandal and its pervasiveness
throughout the entire political establishment underline the extent of how far Ike’s warning against the military-industrial complex has gone unheeded by the broader
public. v=j1jjLOmwSh4

Such claims go even further than those of Charles Ortel and others
regarding the egregious financial dealings of the Foundation.

Even though the Syrian ceasefire is ending following the attack on government forces by US aircraft a few days ago and other global tensions are rising across the entire planet, the ability of the media to ignore this issue and focus instead on the new attacks in NYC plus the vitriol between Hillary and Donald may no longer be possible. leaked-source-reveals- coordination-between-us-isis- in-attacking-syrian-army/ 5546355

The triumph of the National Security State and the total corruption of
both mainstream parties is a significant reason why we have seen
the revolt of the masses in both The Tea Party/right with Trump and
the Occupy Wall Street/left with Sanders during the current election.

With Hillary’s close association to the issue of Disclosure and implicitly
to the Secret Space program and the presence of Special Access
Program e-mails on her server, the speculation by Abel Danger, Fulford
and others that this represents the dynamics of the Deep State are now
more credible than a superficial dismissal of it might normally warrant.

As the situation continues to deteriorate at home and abroad, watch
carefully as the New World Order emerges from the ashes of the
dying civilization we are watching fall apart before our eyes daily.

Will The Breakaway Civilization that replaces our current arrangements
be like the Hunger Games, what I call the Huxwellian World of 2016?

Or will it be more like The New Silk Road envisioned by the Chinese
and Russians?

Perhaps it will be a theocracy of some sort in the spirit of the Second
Coming and Book of Revelation as Pope Francis seems to want or
one closer to the Koran’s plan for a new Caliphate.

Whatever form it takes, the year 2025 is bound to look a lot different
than what we are now seeing and experiencing.

Who will be the next Snowden or Assange or Ortel and disclose all
the details of the Breakaway Civilization?

Stayed tuned: rough ride ahead!

Other references:

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