Memo To The DNC: Fire Hillary As Well As Debbie!

Bellingham, WA
July 25, 2016

by Rich Scheck

Dear DNC: You got it (almost) half right by forcing the liar and
manipulating Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign her position.

It certainly would have been better if you denied her the chance
to be in charge of the Convention itself……..but let’s not be picky!

The real deal is getting rid of the loser you allowed to be your
nominee for president: yes, I mean Hillary Clinton!

You see, that by conspiring to fix the process and undermine
the will of the people to have someone other than the entitled
former First Lady, you virtually guaranteed that she will lose
the election, probably in a landslide.

I totally get why so many on the left hate Donald Trump. I’m
not a big fan of any braggart. But please folks, give the man
his due: he actually earned his nomination by facing down all
the globalists, neocons and right-wing crazies in the Republican
Party by articulating the populist outrage at Washington.

That same outrage with different features is exactly what the
Sanders revolution was all about on the left. But because of
Debbie and Hillary and the rest of the DNC crowd who couldn’t
tolerate listening to their party’s voters, they are now stuck with
the Liar-in-Chief, Clinton.

Yes, it will be unprecedented to allow a floor vote repudiating
her nomination on moral, legal and procedural grounds. But why
not do the right thing and go for it.

Trump has you cornered and is poised to win in a landslide. He
said the process is rigged and sure enough it is. Everyone knows
it. So bite the bullet this week during your convention and show
America you reject corruption and are in favor of the democratic

Please find a way to rid yourself of all the scum permeating your
Party starting with the Clintons, Debbie Schultz and anyone else
who needs purging.

Please vindicate the rule of law, the democratic process and the
social contract that binds us together as a nation.

Your failure to do so will likely accelerate the downward spiral of
trust in government and the collapse of our former Republic while
opening the door even wider to those in your party who hate Hillary
so much they will vote for Trump.

Please just do it: fire Hillary as well as Debbie! And do it now!
Video: Bernie Voters HATE Hillary

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