Is Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders In Disguise?

Burlington, WA
July 21, 2016

by Rich Scheck

The short answer to the question I raised in the title is: somewhat!

With his efforts to promote a populist agenda manifesting in the platform of
the Republican Party, Donald Trump has captured some of Bernie’s policies
that “burn” the political elite of both parties.

The list is impressive including support for Glass-Steagall and opposing aid to Ukraine:

These, along with comments Trump has made over the course of the campaign opposing the TPP, forgiving student debt, auditing the FED and working with Putin rather than promoting more interventions for regime change suggest a clear populist sentiment much of which would have been backed by Sanders had he won the Democratic nomination.

This is a hopeful sign, especially after the highly inflammatory rhetoric of Rudy
Giuliani on Monday night seemed to signal Trump’s comfort level with the failed Neocon approach to foreign policy.

With these kinds of mixed signals, it is extremely difficult to predict the foreign
policy direction of a future Trump presidency. This is particularly true because
of those he has surrounded himself with and his tendency to accept supposed
terrorist attacks at face value despite what he has said about 9/11 in the past.

We know The Donald is his own man and will do what he thinks best if he can
escape the clutches of his future handlers to let “Trump be Trump!”

That remains a big “if” with him vulnerable to powerful outside forces attempting to direct the flow of history in their direction who see the New York businessman as a major impediment to their agenda.

Like JFK before him, Trump is extremely vulnerable to these globalists who
unrelentingly forge ahead with their plans for hegemony no matter what
political leader stands in their way, the will of the people be damned!

Can he prevail over the severely weakened Hillary Clinton in the general
election? Even super-liberal Michael Moore seems to think so.

With new revelations about the Clintons surfacing almost daily, it will not be
a shock to me if many Sanders supporters abandon the Democratic Party
and opt for the quasi-populist Trump as disgust for the corrupt Hillary grows:

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