Looks Like President Barack Obama May Suspend 2016 Presidential Elections…
by Voice of Reason
The Last Great Stand
Martial law is declared during a crisis – This is when all civil activities must be managed by government to keep the peace.
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Many constitutional rights are suspended during martial law, and supposed to be reinstated once the crisis is under control.
And while the world political elites have been meeting in secret to stop conservative businessman Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign, it’s clear that he likely already won the Republican nomination and perhaps the Presidency.
The incredible backlash a Trump nomination could cause among the political establishment is so great, many are speculating Obama is ready to declare martial law and postpone the election!
Obama, who acts like a tyrant and doesn’t care about Constitutional liberties, could be after your vote…
On the surface, this seems very unlikely and unbelievable. However, by doing a thorough analysis on everything that has happened up until now, all Americans should be aware that this kind of scenario is very possible.
As you probably know, Obama is very unpopular with our military. He is constantly replacing the current officers with those who have demonstrated personal loyalty and willingness to “walk the line,” even if it has damaged troop morale or capability.
In addition, he has suggested that a “civil national security force” would be of value, which seems directed not at outside threats but directly towards U.S. citizens.
“On July 2, 2008 at a campaign stop, Obama made the following unscripted statement: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
Obama has created law enforcement branches in more than 70 federal government agencies, which means there are more than 120,000 law enforcement agents in the federal government for him to utilize. Plus, departments you wouldn’t expect, such as the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have purchased hundreds of thousands of hollow point bullets.
Just what are they preparing for? We’re about to find out.
To make sure everyone knows what we’re talking about here when there are continued references to Martial Law, the video below takes a glimpse into what Martial Law would look like. In the video, Alex Jones uncovers one of the most detrimental plans facing humanity today. In his shocking report Alex details the governments insidious plan to put it’s own citizens under martial law in order to strip them of all rights. Now the government is issuing subliminal propaganda via the Ad Council, who claims it has no idea how a news cast mentioning martial law wound up in an AARP ad. Uh, sure.
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In the article above, the author says:
“[m]any are speculating Obama is ready to declare martial law and postpone the election!On the surface, this seems very unlikely and unbelievable. However, by doing a thorough analysis on everything that has happened up until now, all Americans should be aware that this kind of scenario is very possible.”
In the information that follows below, I provide a thorough analysis of everything that has happened up until now as the author suggests. To do so, I have isolated a number of stories that I found particularly alarming over the last six months. They are listed in chronological order with the most recent story being at the end. At various points on the timeline, I provide some of the key takeaways from certain noteworthy posts.
At the end of this post, after reviewing the stories that have come out over the last six months, YOU be the judge. I suggest looking at the sequence of events below not as isolated events that each took place in a vacuum, but rather as ONE continuous narrative that has been permitted to play out under one very sick president. Ultimately, YOU make the determination if it might it be time for you to start squirreling away the types of supplies you might need in the event that Obama decides to go WAY off the reservation this time…
5/8/15 Government “Threat List:” 8 Million People To Be Detained Immediately
5/30/15 Obama’s Martial Law Plans Go ‘Mainstream’ in the Washington Times
Obama’s planned use of the military against American citizens has now gained substantial acknowledgment in the mainstream media by a report in The Washington Times earlier this year entitled: “Inside the Ring: Directive outlines Obama’s plan to use the military against citizens.”
Directive No. 3025.18, “Defense Support of Civil Authorities,” was issued Dec. 29, 2010, and states that U.S. commanders “are provided emergency authority under this directive,” including the authority to violate the Posse Comitatus Act (which has stood for 138 years “pre-Obama”), which would mean using our own troops against us on American soil. “This appears to be the latest step in the administration’s decision to use force within the United States against its citizens,” said one defense official opposed to the directive.
The Washington Times piece also covers the fact that Obama has beenbuilding up para-military units within non-security-related federal agencies. To-date over 70 of these agencies have acquired ‘SWAT teams’ and arms.
“Federal action, including the use of federal military forces, is authorized when necessary to protect the federal property or functions,” the stated directive states. The buildup has raised questions about whether the Obama administration is undermining civil liberties under the guise of counter terrorism and counternarcotics efforts.
The troubling aspect of the directive outlines presidential authority for the use of military arms and forces, including unarmed drones, in operations against domestic unrest. “This appears to be the latest step in the administration’s decision to use force within the United States against its citizens,” said a defense official opposed to the directive.
The directive was signed by then-Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn. A copy can be found on the Pentagonwebsite: http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/302518p.pdf
6/17/15 U.N. Troops Are Conducting Massive Military Exercises Domestically With U.S. Military
In the video below, you’ll see that there has been a large presence of UN troops and UN hardware training here on U.S. soil in recent months, but what the video calls your attention to is how many times the units have been caught concealing their identity. If there’s nothing to worry about, why the deceitfulness? Furthermore, what comes to mind when you think of UN Troops? A nice area? A high standard of living? Hardly. UN peacekeeping troops are either un an area where all out hell is breaking lose, or where it’s about to.
United Nations Conducting MASSIVE Exercises in U.S.
7/4/15 Obama Signs Executive Order Permanently Implementing Martial Law
9/2/15 Obama’s Third Term: What You Need to Know About Hillary Clinton’s Emails
Not long after the scandal broke about Hillary’s private email server, it became well known throughout Washington circles that the person who “leaked” the details of the private server to the press was none other than Valerie Jarrett, which means the leaks were done with the full knowledge and approval of Barack Obama.
I’ve been screaming from the rooftops since the first time I learned it was Jarrett responsible for the leaks, but no one else in the media is asking questions or sees the bigger picture. Here we are now, several months later, and everything I’ve been saying all along should be crystal clear to anyone paying attention. Think about what a nightmare the email server fiasco has been for Hillary, right? In the end, it still may force her to bow out of her bid for the Presidency all together.
Obama is arguably the most politically calculating president of my lifetime. It’s nauseating how calculating he is. So, don’t you think Obama knows full well that a GOP win for the White House essentially erases the last eight years of his presidency, and destroys his life’s work? Within moments of setting foot in the Oval Office, the new GOP president could nullify all Obama’s illegal executive actions, and since the House and Senate are likely to stay in GOP hands, within hours of Congress convening under a GOP President, a Bill to repeal Obamacare will be on the new President’s desk.
Ok, sorry Bernie fans, I hate to break it to you, but Bernie is NEVER going to get elected to the Presidency, and Obama is well aware of that. So, see where this is going? Why on EARTH would Obama allow Valerie Jarrett to essentially DESTROY the the best chance he had of his policies remaining? Would you try to convince me that Obama would take losing graciously, and simply walk away into the sunset knowing that his life’s work would be undone immediately, and knowing it was HIS leaks who sunk the best candidate to replace him? If yes, you’re out of your mind.
The ONLY reason for Obama to do have done all that he has to Clinton, would be if Obama has no intention of leaving office at all, perhaps under Martial Law conditions (or any other number of diabolical scenarios), and he needs to make sure Hillary is too weak politically to challenge him in any way. An indictment would do just that.
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Think about it! When has Obama EVER, and I mean EVER let go of ANYTHING, let alone his life’s work without a fight or a backup plan? MORE to the point, would Obama actually torpedo Hillary, and then have his whole presidency undone by a conscious decision of HIS OWN making? N-E-V-E-R, and hence my theory that we have been witnessing the chess moves necessary to facilitate a continued Obama presidency. I review my theory below.
10/9/15 Congress Declares Martial Law As Dollar Rapidly Collapses
10/15/15 DOJ Creates Gestapo To Target Americans With “Anti-Government Views”
12/6/15 Pentagon Says Preparing For Huge Civil Unrest in U.S. (Videos)
Very seldom does a post come along with this level of insight into what is really happening, so I pray you’ll take the time to watch the videos, and share the post with loved ones. If you take advantage of viewing the information provided, I am unequivocally SURE it will not only leave you with your jaw on the ground catching flies, but could very well give you nightmares.
The Pentagon has admitted that they are concerned that widespread civil unrest will hit U.S. streets in the very near future. Not far into the article, it begins to talk about a Department of Defense program called the “Minerva Research Initiative.”
12/10/15 Proof Obama is Not Leaving Office – Third Term Is Unfolding Right Before You
12/30/15 Over 1 In 4 Americans Now Believe the U.S. Government is the Enemy of the People
12/31/15 Army Not Prepping for Battle; Training For Riot Control and Martial Law
In this post one of the many things covered is the Obama statute that allows for the U.S. Army to shoot you on U.S. soil, even if you’re unarmed and peacefully protesting. Sadly, the Posse Comitatus Act (18 USC 1385), which stood for 137 years “pre-Obama” has been shredded like so many others. The federal act that prohibited the U.S. military from policing it’s own citizens was removed by Obama. Now, the Army claims exemption from Posse Comitatus in the four following areas:
10 USC 331. When a state is unable to control domestic violence and they have requested federal assistance, the use of the militia or Armed Forces is authorized.
10 USC 332. When ordinary enforcement means are unworkable due to unlawful obstructions or rebellion against the authority of the United States, use of the militia or Armed Forces is authorized.
10 USC 333. When a state cannot or will not protect the constitutional rights of the citizens, due to domestic violence or conspiracy to hinder execution of State or Federal law, the use of the militia or Armed Forces is authorized.
House Joint Resolution 1292. This resolution directs all departments of the U.S. government, upon request of the Secret Service, to assist in carrying out its statutory duties to protect government officials and major political candidates from physical harm.
With regard to 10 USC 331, if the local authorities have lost control in the midst of a profound display of domestic violence (e.g. LA Riots), most Americans support the use of National Guard or the military. However, in 10 USC 332, 333 and House Joint Resolution 1292 are ripe with exceptions which open the door to federal authorities abusing the public for exercising their Constitutional right to protest.
In 10 USC 332, the phrase “unlawful obstructions or rebellion against the authority of the United States, use of the militia or Armed Forces is authorized,” permits the federal government from being demonstrated against. An act of demonstration, or the most benign demonstrations of civil disobedience gives the government the authority to take “deadly action” against the public because there are no clear distinctions on when the use of lethal and nonlethal force is appropriate.
In 10 USC 333, any disruption of federal law can be decisively dealt with by the federal government. The phrase “…conspiracy to hinder execution of State or Federal law, the use of the militia or Armed Forces is authorized” is a telling passage of this Army document.
My personal favorite is the party about peaceful protestors protesting the government can be ventilated:
“An act of demonstration, or the most benign demonstrations of civil disobedience gives the government the authority to take “deadly action” against the public because there are no clear distinctions on when the use of lethal and nonlethal force is appropriate.”
Yell “Conspiracy Theorist” all you want. The actual law can be read with your own two eyes. Unites States Code 332 (10 U.S. Code § 332)
2/12/16 The Department Of Justice Prepares To Step Up War On “Domestic Extremists”
This post is insane. Judicial Watch was able to get eerie hands on aDepartment of Defense training manual through a Freedom of Information Request to Obama’s Department of Homeland Security. The manual is linked right there so you can read it yourself, but it defines a “domestic extremist” as:
“Americans who are ‘reverent of individual liberty,’ and ‘suspicious of centralized federal authority’ are possible ‘extreme right-wing’ terrorists.
The document linked above also lists people who embrace “individual liberties” and honor “states’ rights,” among other characteristics, as potential “extremists” who are likely to be members of “hate groups.”
Finally, the document goes on to call the Founding Fathers, “extremists.”
Unfortunately, not only did Obama nullify the Posse Comitatus Act, he also updated the Pentagon’s “Law of War” Manual, which now allows not just the shooting of unarmed civilians who are protesting (actual legal statute above), but his revisions also give the military the ability to shoot journalists on site. First check out the video, the rest is detailed in the actual post linked above:
2/15/16 Beware of Martial Law: Obama Will Confiscate Firearms Of All 50 States in 2016
2/19/16 Peter Schiff: Dollar Collapse Will Be the Single Biggest Event In Human History
In the midst of what is sure to be a very dangerous political scene, the US economy faces total implosion in the next 12-18 months. This assessment by Peter Schiff is arguably the best assessment I’ve ever come across for what is headed straight for the United States, and sadly, no matter how loud many of us ring the bell, there are still those that refuse to look at the facts. Peter Schiff says:
“This will be the first event that will touch every single living person in the world. All human activity is controlled by money. Our wealth, our work, our food, our government, even our relationships are affected by money.”
“No money in human history has had as much reach in both breadth and depth as the dollar. It is the de facto world currency. All other currency collapses will pale in comparison to this big one. All other currency crises have been regional and there were other currencies for people to grasp on to.”
“This collapse will be global and it will bring down not only the dollar but all other fiat currencies,as they are fundamentally no different. The collapse of currencies will lead to the collapse of ALL paper assets. The repercussions to this will have incredible results worldwide”
What makes this story even more infuriating, is that it wasn’t necessary. It didn’t have to happen.”
Peter Schiff Economic Collapse IMMINENT
Why The US Dollar Will Collapse – Peter Schiff
Add to the economic strife all the racial and political strife. God help us all!
2/20/16 Shocking: On National TV, CIA Director Says Domestic Terror Attack is Inevitable – Why
The question in the video below, is why CIA Director Brennan is coming out and making the announcement on 60 minutes? Granted, it’s CBS and not Fox News, so only 7-8 people saw it anyway, but still, any RESPONSIBLE journalist in the mainstream media SHOULD be asking, “Why is Brennan saying that? What is the motive for it?”
Let’s face it, unless Americans have reached the point of Kool-Aid poisoning, it shouldn’t take a “conspiracy minded” person to recognize that no CIA director under any administration (Republican or Democrat), is going to go on national television and make a statement like that which isn’t highly calculated and well thought out in advance.
The Obama administration is arguably the most highly politically calculating administration in the modern era, so Brennan’s comments definitely had a purpose. So, why did he do it? In the video, Gary Franchi poses a theory or two…
CIA Director Says Attack is Inevitable
3/4/16 Newt Gingrich: “Trump Not An Illuminati Member; He Hasn’t Had Initiation!” (Video)
In this post Newt Gingrich, not exactly known for being a far out “Conspiracy Theorist” said the problem with Donald Trump is that he’s not a member of the global elites’s club… aka Bilderberg/Illuminati etc., and they are getting VERY nervous! Don’t take my word for it… listen to Newt!
In an earth shattering interview on Fox News, Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the house, played it out for the American public why the GOP Establishment has such a problem with Donald Trump. Gingrich says the Establishment see’s Donald Trump as a threat because…
“He’s an outsider. He’s not part of the club. He’s uncontrollable.
“He Hasn’t been through the initiation rites.”
“He didn’t belong to the secret society.”
In the video below, Media analyst Mark Dice explains the implications of this startling revelation.
Facebook’s Diabolical New Initiative Is Causing Mass Exodus—1000s Shut Down As They Discover…
Newt Gingrich Admits Problem Is Donald Trump Not Illuminati Member
3/7/16 Former Federal Prosecutor: Obama Plans to Incite Race War This Summer (Video)
News Flash: Obama has already ignited a phony race war, it just hasn’t exploded yet… but it will, granting Obama his chance suspend the 2016 elections, declare Martial Law, round up the guns, and send pesky conservatives who don’t comply to FEMA Camps. See below!!!!!
3/13/16 All Armed Americans To Be Detained In FEMA Camps Starting In 2017? (Video)
Think FEMA Camps are Conspiracy Theory? Obama doesn’t!
Far left-wing nut George Soros has now established a group called “Democracy Spring” which vows to cause “CATASTROPHIC CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE” to stop trump. Whether or not Trump gets the GOP nomination, is there anyone who really thinks Soros’s group will stop with Trump? Give me a break. According to the article at NowTheEndBegins:
The operation, calling itself Democracy Spring, is threatening “drama in Washington” with the “largest civil disobedience action of the century.” The radicals believe this will result in the arrest of thousands of their own activists. They intend to march across the East Coast in order to spark a “fire that transforms the political climate in America.”
Allen West Reports: Black Lives Matter Issues Major Threat to White People Over Presidential Election:
What’s the more appropriate phrase: black lives matter, or all lives matter?
Obviously all lives matter, but Black Lives Matter (BLM) maintains its slogan is designed to draw attention to the fact that people don’t think their lives matter – but isn’t saying other lives don’t matter; just that theirs matter a little bit more.
Actions speak louder than words, and the violent rhetoric BLM spews makes it hard to believe such a defense. Whether it be advocating for the murder of police, or racial segregation, BLM seems intent on reversing the Civil Rights movement, not launching a new one.
We saw BLM protesters (among many other leftist groups) shut down a Trump rally in Chicago last week, with violence then breaking out. Protesters shattered the windows of cars with Trump stickers, and assaulted police.
If Trump wins the election, BLM has more violence planned. As the DC Gazette reports:
Black lives Matter spokesmen, Tef Poe has always been the voice of the bigoted group. In November 2014, Poe was even flown to the United Nations offices in Geneva, Switzerland to speak about “police violence.” Funny, now that very same person is now inciting a race riot.
Furthermore, In “Anti-Donald Trump Black Lives Matter Activist Is ‘Hell Bent On Inciting Riots,’” Breitbart reports:
“Young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots,” and Donald Trump’s election in November would mean there “aint no more rules,” say messages on Twitter to “white people,” from Tef Poe, a noted pro-Palestinian rap-artist and Black Lives Matter activist.
By inviting Black Lies Matter to the White House, and thanking them for their “outstanding work,” Obama has thrown every ounce of gasoline at his disposal on this fire. People are going to die if/when Black Lies Matter begins rioting. Their members have called for as much, and Obama does nothing to even slow them down. Instead, he THANKS THEM FOR “OUTSTANDING WORK!” See below.
Facebook’s Diabolical New Initiative Is Causing Mass Exodus—1000s Shut Down As They Discover…
Below, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has a thing or two to say about President Obama’s endorsing the “lies and propaganda” put out by the Black Lies Matter movement.
Remember, in Obama’s world, Black Lies Matter threatening massive violence pose no threat. Recall who DOES pose a threat to Obama fromthe words of a Department of Defense training manual, contained within the post, The Department Of Justice Prepares To Step Up War On “Domestic Extremists”:
Watch was able to get eerie hands on a Department of Defense training manual through a Freedom of Information Request to Obama’s Department of Homeland Security. The manual is linked right there so you can read it yourself, but it defines a “domestic extremist” as:
“Americans who are ‘reverent of individual liberty,’ and ‘suspicious of centralized federal authority’ are possible ‘extreme right-wing’ terrorists.
The document linked above also lists people who embrace “individual liberties” and honor “states’ rights,” among other characteristics, as potential “extremists” who are likely to be members of “hate groups.”
Finally, the document goes on to call the Founding Fathers, “extremists.”