Lendman: Sanders Endorses “Pure Evil!”

Burlington WA
July 12, 2016

by Rich Scheck

As predicted, Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton for President
in a gesture many see as a betrayal of everything he campaigned for.

Stephen Lendman describes this action as an embrace of “pure evil!”

A large chunk of Bernie’s supporters have vowed to never vote for Hillary:

The never-ending Clinton scandals provided Sanders a golden
opportunity to promote his revolution and capture millions of
voters who now may defect to Trump.

Yet, the so-called anti-Wall Street candidate sold out in the end to
someone he constantly described as a puppet of Goldman Sachs:

Was Sanders authentic in his efforts to promote a populist revolution
or merely serving as a “vacuum cleaner” to sweep up and diffuse the
disaffection from the mainstream parties sweeping the country?

That’s hard to know. But it remains mind-boggling that the Vermont
Senator can be so blind to the long litany of corruption associated
with the Clinton name: https://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=42985

It is interesting to note among many other things that in his letter to
his followers describing why he backs her, Sanders says nothing
about the unending, illegal wars of aggression our country has
perpetrated…….with Hillary a leading hawk.

That was always the main reason I could not back him. True to
form he remains consistently oblivious to the importance of this
issue to the economy as well as the moral integrity of our country.

In the end, Bernie will be a mere footnote to US history…….unless
the “pure evil” that is Hillary Clinton wins the White House and
triggers more wars of aggression. Than he and all those who
vote for her will be fully complicit in these crimes against humanity!

Related Reading

No, Bernie, your supporters will NOT support Hillary—EVER!

BERNIE: Something is very wrong with this picture!


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