Sources: Hillary Clinton Not Expected to Face Charges in Federal Email Probe

by J.D. Durkin | MEDIAITE

Screen-Shot-2016-07-01-at-2.05.44-PM-300x205According to sources that are familiar with the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton‘s use of a private email server, the former Secretary of State is not expected to face charges in the probe.

This, according to CNN’s Senior Producer Edward Mejia Davis, who took to Twitter shortly ago to indicate the likely announcement of “no charges”:

During an unexpected interview hit on MSNBC this evening withChuck Todd, Clinton herself was asked about the reports that she would not face charges. “As we were talking, there are news reporters that indicate no charges may be brought against you and a final decision in a couple weeks,” said Todd in the waning seconds of the hit.

“Chuck I am not going to comment on the process. I have no knowledge of any timeline. This is entirely up to the Department,” said Clinton, who voluntarily sat with the FBI this morning for 3.5 hours as part of their final stage of the investigation into the possible violation of the law and the handling of classified material.

However, not everyone is so sure.

During an exchange on the topic moments ago, conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt responded to me directly with his skepticism about the “all clear” at this point of the process:

Even the Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump heard the reports, and unsurprisingly got ahead of the story with his immediate response:

Yesterday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that she would be welcoming the recommendation from the FBI and bureau directorJames Comey about the findings of the investigation. The FBI’s last step was to interview Clinton directly, though no time frame has been revealed as to when the findings would be made public or passed along to the Justice Department. While Republicans have sought to drag this story out into the news cycles surrounding the 2016 Presidential campaign cycle, Democrats are hoping for an expedited end to the investigation, just weeks ahead of the party’s national convention in Philadelphia.


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