An Invitation to the Strong of Mind and Heart

Santa Rosa, CA
May 30, 2016

by Rich Scheck

The following material is meant only for those who are strong of
mind, heart and spirit who can handle deeply troubling information.

If you are someone who is truly interested in US foreign policy,
I invite you to listen carefully to the comments by Andrew Bacevich
in this presentation:

Keep in mind that this man’s credentials are excellent and include
the fact that even though he lost his son in Iraq, he is able to speak
without publicly expressing any apparent animosity or bitterness in
his remarks on these topics.

After you listen, I have little reason to doubt you will be as saddened
as I have been for countless decades at the mindlessness, perfidy
and corruption underlying our failed foreign policy.

And, if you have an interest in “getting” how truly bad things are and how deep the problems are……deeper even than the enlightened and articulate Professor Bacevich states……take some time to read what another Professor, Peter Dale Scott, has to say about the Deep State that is even more culpable for so much harm than the outraged Bacevich expresses:

Once you comprehend how dark this picture of duplicity and evil is
and how pervasive its reach, there is a chance you might become
downcast at the grim prospects for reversing these developments.

If that is true, I further invite you to realize that despite this bleak
situation, we are morally responsible for acts done in our name, by
our fellow citizens and paid for with our tax money.

That being so, it is still incumbent on everyone to find the spiritual
resources necessary to retain the joy and freedom that is our natural
birthright despite the Huxwellian circumstances we find ourselves in
at this point in history.

This challenging post is NOT for everyone. If you are up to the task
and would like to dialogue about its contents, feel free to contact me
at: Thank you.

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