Is A Trump Tsunami On The Way?

Santa Rosa, CA
May 11, 2016

by Rich Scheck

They keep getting it wrong, folks! I’m talking about all those
well-paid pundits and smart-ass reporters who populate
Washington while hanging out with our political leaders.

What they fail to see is the likely “Trump Tsunami” that is about
to descend on the District of Criminals.

Trump represents the culmination of decades of pent-up
frustration by the electorate with the political classes of both
parties who have consistently disappointed voters.

Trump = Ross Perot + Ralph Nader + Ron Paul + Bernie Sanders!

The Donald is by no means a Saint………and his immature need to
belittle his opponents is clearly troubling.

BUT—and this is HUGE—he is right on the big issues of war;
the economy; the need to constrain our imperial ways and the
poor leadership we have experienced from both parties.

Donald Trump is the third party some of us have been advocating
and praying for all these many years.

NATO must be reformed……or ended. The Fed must be audited……..
and/or ended. The tax system must be made fairer. The Hamiltonian
System of trade and job protection for AMERICANS must be restored.
Immigration has gone too far. Russia can be seen as a potential ally
rather than as a Cold War II enemy. Our role in the Middle East must be
redefined to avoid the waste and tragedy of endless wars based on lies.

On these and other key issues, Trump reflects the deeper instincts of a
majority of the population who have been waiting for a champion to voice
their concerns.

Belittled from the start of his campaign while being endlessly attacked by his
opponents and critics, Trump has shown himself to be one tough cookie
despite his relatively thin skin and childish tendency to take it all personally.

Authoritarian and bossy? Yes, I agree. Fascist? That’s a propagandistic tactic
and exaggeration by his enemies to defeat him. And it ain’t working because
the American people somehow “get” that he is far more authentic than the
slick, packaged candidates they have come to know and despise.

In terms of the general election, am I the only one noticing that Democratic
voters do not like Hillary Clinton? Even if she weren’t a liar and a crook, she
is just not a very strong candidate. Much of her popularity comes from her
association with her husband. More important, her public record is devoid of
major successes while being filled with countless policy failures and scandals.

As for Bernie Sanders, he is on the verge of losing the nomination. He has
helped everyone see that Hillary is not very popular and has raised many
important issues.

But some of those issues overlap with what Trump is saying. In a few weeks,
when the dust clears and it will be Hillary vs. The Donald in November, Sanders
will be forgotten like a good play-off team beaten before the Championship round.

After that happens, Trump will be there to pounce on Hillary’s weaknesses, promote
his own agenda and absorb a large percentage of the disaffected Sanders voters.
Even if she is not indicted and even if Trump risks turning folks off by remaining overly
aggressive towards her, the odds of him winning a Reagan style 1980 landslide are
growing every day.

The pundits will tell you otherwise. They will pull out their graphs and talk about the
Electoral College advantage for Hillary and the Democrats.

Bullshit! More wishful thinking and typical Main Stream Media liberal bias. Folks see
Trump with his beautiful family and the strong, independent women surrounding him
and get that he is NOT a misogynist!

They see how basically decent he is when not being attacked and “get” that this man
is NOT a closet fascist.

Somehow, as dumbed-downed, manipulated and deceived as the American people
are, they still can see a tiny ray of hope for the future in a man called Trump!

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