Pelosi goes off the rails!

Lecturing the ‘peons’? Pelosi mocked for blaming voter disenchantment on outside forces who ‘poisoned’ social media

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) addresses the audience during the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) 2019 Women’s Leadership Forum in Washington, U.S. October 17, 2019. © REUTERS/Carlos Jasso

Dark forces have tainted social media and turned optimistic, hopeful, Americans into unhappy voters, Nancy Pelosi has conveniently claimed. The House Speaker’s explanation for the current political mood did not impress Twitter.

The senior Democratic lawmaker told a crowd in Iowa on Saturday that any negative or ambivalent feelings about US politics likely stems from actors “inside and outside” the country who have “poisoned” social media.

[They use social media to] undermine the mindset of what is America. America is optimistic, entrepreneurial, about the American dream and things can be better. And what they do with their poison is discourage – ‘nobody is paying attention to you, it’s no use for you to vote.’

Paraphrasing Pelosi’s rather disjointed remarks, journalist Michael Tracey noted: “So if social media makes you pessimistic, you are the victim of ‘interference’ rather than a critical thinker.”

Her comments elicited considerable internet heckling, with Twitter users accusing Pelosi of deflecting criticism of her party.

Others suggested that Pelosi was just bitter that social media users don’t take orders from her “oligarch masters” – making the platforms far harder to control than traditional news outlets.


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