Highly Organized Multi-Decade Conspiracy
to Elect a Series of US Presidents Who
Profoundly Degrade the Office
The criminally insane psychopaths who run the United States from the shadows want the American people to accept the notion of a homosexual POTUS and his husband occupying the White House
What follows is the TIME Magazine puff piece that’s pushing this modern-day “abomination of desolation”. First, here’s TIME‘s pure propaganda cover:
If the American people don’t get it yet, they had better very quickly. Because it’s a well known fact of life on Earth that the devil always degrades his victim before he destroys them.
Now here’s the ridiculous puff piece on Pete Buttigieg and his husband. The more people buy into this nation-collapsing Cultural Marxism, the harder the USA will fall when it does. http://time.com/longform/pete-buttigieg-2020/
As for just who Pete Buttigieg really is that can only be know by his true history. Here’s a just a peak as we begin to go down that Deep State rabbit hole.
PETE BUTTIGIEG: A Manchurian Candidate Whose Deep State Resume Reeks of Globalism
Multi-Decade Conspiracy
Who can argue that many of the last presidents to occupy the Oval Office were each men of despicable character. For example:
Lyndon Johnson
George H.W. Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Clearly, this irrefutable narrative reflects a deep and broad scheme to condition the American people to accept thoroughly corrupt criminals as the U.S. head of state.
Obviously, the countless 2020 Democrat candidates for POTUS further reflect this clandestine plot to subvert the American Republic.
Really, has anyone ever seen such an utterly revolting freak show in the form of the ever-expanding field of Democrat candidates?
This country has never witnessed such a large group of highly inferior and repugnant men and women running for high office from one party. It’s truly horrifying what the Democrat Party has morphed into after it became a nakedly seditious communist entity.