SOTN Editor’s Note: If you don’t already, you might start reading THE DONALD REPORT—an excellent selection of the most important news of the week. You can also subscribe at that same link.
Today’s edition was particularly poignant with a tantalizing potpourri of articles and exposés that demonstrate — DEFINITIVELY — that the war between the nationalists and the globalists is reaching a crescendo.
For those who doubt that we are now facing a defining moment for the American Republic, please consider this bombshell report: Something quite HUGE is about to go down: Martial Law, Military Tribunals or Both?
What follows are just a few of those related topics at the most recent volume of THE DONALD REPORT. There’s much more there, so go there and join the Patriot Movement if you haven’t already.
State of the Nation
December 21, 2018
Exclusive: Trump Thinks Americans Will Engage in an Armed Revolt if Deep State Tries to Remove Him From Office
45 knows the swamp is coming for him and is prepared to fight
“President Trump told a prominent person during a phone call last week that he thinks the American people will revolt if the deep state tries to remove him from office via impeachment or any other method because Americans are “too well armed”.
According to our sources, Trump thinks that Democrats are so intent on stopping America’s recovery that they will set off a destabilizing crisis on the border, an economic collapse or even civil war as a means of ejecting him from the Oval Office.
However, Trump believes that both the U.S. military and the American people would not stand for such a scenario and would rise up against it and that there would be a “revolt” because Americans are “too well armed”.
The phone call was further discussed during a meeting between three people, one of whom was Roger Stone and another being the same person who spoke directly to Trump….”
“Deep State” Wipes Out 1/8th Of US Economy Then Warns “Run For Cover” As Pillars Of Global Financial System Prepare To Crash
“…“Deep State” who, since October, have wiped out fully 1/8th of the US economy evaporating $4 trillion in wealth—that’s now being followed by “Deep State” anti-Trump economic renegade Alan Greenspan telling his leftist followers to “run for cover”—a timely and accurate warning coming as it does on the heels of the Bank for International Settlements (the “bank of banks”) having just gravely revealed that the pillars of the global financial system are fundamentally unstable and ready to crash….”
Trump Winding Down Pointless Afghan War, 7K U.S.Troops Prepare to Leave
Trump Orders Major Afghan Drawdown: 7,000 Troops To Return Home In Coming Weeks
“…CNN warns “officials brace for Trump announcement on Afghanistan” after Trump’s Wednesday bombshell Syria troop pullout announcement. He’s now initiated “a major drawdown” of forces in Afghanistan too, and while inside the beltway neocon heads might continue to explode, the broader public for which the seventeen year long Afghan war is deeply unpopular will no doubt cheer the move….”
The Globalist End Game Is Nothing Less Than ‘DEATH To America’
If They Take Down POTUS Trump, Will The Tyrants Carry Out Stasi-Style Roundups And ‘Hitler-Scale Killings’ Of Patriots As One ICE Agent Allegedly Warned Before His Death?
“In this new story over at CBN News that the Drudge Report linked to Tuesday morning they report that Christians are ‘standing in the way‘ of China’s President Xi Jinping from completely imposing totalitarian rule over the country so Christians are being rounded up and jailed, with one Pastor recently arrested along with his wife for “inciting subversion of state power” by preaching the Gospel. Interestingly, the Chinese people have been banned from even talking about this ‘roundup‘ on social media.
And while China is thousands of miles away and a completely different country than those which most ANP readers live in, what is happening now in China should be seen as a dire warning to freedom-loving Americans with globalists attempting to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. With the witchhunt upon President Donald Trump and warnings long given, labeled by many as ‘conspiracy theories’, that should the globalists regain control of America, ‘re-education camps‘ await American patriots along with mass roundups of Christians, Conservatives and ‘anti-globalists’ and a Socialist country-wide gun grab agenda, we’d be wise to pay very close attention to what is happening now not only in China but around the world.
And if you think that America will never devolve into full scale tyranny, all we need to do is remember what was happening to our country prior to President Trump getting into office, with the US Constitution being systematically being dismantled while our God-given rights are taken away. And we must remember the executive order signed by Barack Obama on March 16th of 2012 allowing the US government to seize control of EVERYTHING in America and actually FORCE Americans into slave labor.
“The government knows the military will rise-up to stop this, so our military is being deployed overseas and intentionally involved in foreign fights so they cannot be here to help Americans! This is why certain ammunition and weaponry has been removed from state-level National Guard Armories and over a Billion rounds of hollow point ammunition has been bought by the federal government. The states themselves have been disarmed of military-grade firepower so they cannot defend themselves from the federal activities. This is also why local police departments have been militarized and provided with armored vehicles and weapons of war,” the note says….”
By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die Picked-Up By Reader
State of the Nation
The CIA Created the ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Meme to Shut Down the Truth Movement
Does anyone scoff at you for being a wacko conspiracy theorist for reading, studying, sharing alternative truth news?
Proudly tell them you are a Conspiracy Analyst
KEY POINT: Many ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ are actually Conspiracy Realists. The very best among them are deeply experienced Investigative Journalists and highly skilled Professional Researchers. Others are greatly respected Historical Revisionists and University Professors. Then there are those who are lifelong Truth Seekers, Armchair Detectives and Citizen Reporters. In the aggregate they represent the Fifth Estate, many of whom contribute prolifically to the Alt Media. See: The Fifth Estate Casts Its Shadow Like a Massive Mothership
SOTN Editor’s Note:
The following essay on the “Conspiracy Theory” is perhaps the best ever to appear on the Internet. It clearly delineates the many subtleties and nuances by which the label“Conspiracy Theory” has been used to shut down honest public debate. It also shows how critical thinking on the part of the individual has been discouraged and mocked….[READ THE REST OF THE STORY AND THEN PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK!]
Originally posted at