“CIA…..Unaccountable to anyone” — An American Citizen

Comment post by Forgotten man:

IRS…..Unaccountable to anyone.   DOJ……..Unaccountable to anyone.  FBI…….Unaccountable to anyone.

CIA…..Unaccountable to anyone.    What do they all have in common?  The ability to completely destroy your life with impunity.  Sounds like a Police state to me.

Comment posted by Chupacabra:

To state the obvious; the CIA has deeply humiliated the American people in their attempt to tie the American people to be responsible for the CIA’s crimes against humanity across the world.

The CIA appears to be the world’s greatest threat to peace and prosperity. It is the penultimate terrorist organization, being the direct or indirect creator of all other terrorist organizations. It also appears to be the world’s penultimate illegal drug smuggler and pusher making all other illegal drug trading possible and instigating the horrors of addiction and suffering around the world.

If I believed that the CIA was working in any way on behalf of the US government and the American people then it would be sad and shameful indeed. However, it is my belief that the CIA instead was captured long ago, as was the secret military operations and now works for a hidden power that wants to dominate or failing that, destroy humanity.

It’s those Select Highly Compartmentalized Criminal Pure Evil Rogue Elements at the Deep State Top that have had control since the JFK Execution that have entrenched themselves for decades & refuse to relinquish Control.

The Agency is Cancer. There should be no question about the CIA’s future in the US.

Dissolved & dishonored. Its members locked away or punished for Treason. Their reputation is so bad and has been for so long, that the fact that you joined them should be enough to justify arrest and Execution for Treason, Crimes Against Humanity & Crimes Against The American People.

The National Security Elimination Act of 2018

The United States survived quite nicely for 130+ years with neither a Criminal FBI, CIA, IRS nor the Federal Reserve. Let’s return to those better days ASAP.

Would precisely achieve that objective & more by recentralizing the “Intelligence” Agencies. By Elimination of rouge Criminal Agencies such as the Pure Evil War Criminal Treasonous Seditious Psychopaths at & in the CIA.

The “Spoofing” or Digital Finger Print & Parallel Construction tools that can be used against Governments, Individuals, enemies & adversaries are Chilling.

The CIA can not only hack into anything — they can download any “evidence” they want onto your phone or computer.  Child pornography, national secrets, you name it.  Then they can blackmail you, threatening prosecution for whatever crap they have planted, then “found” on your computer.    They can also “spoof” the source of such downloads — for instance, if they want to “prove” that something on your computer (or Donald Trump’s computer) came from a “Russian source”  — they can spoof the IP address of a Russian source.

The take-away:  no digital evidence the CIA or NSA produces on any subject whatsoever can be trusted.  No digital evidence should be acceptable in any case where the government has an interest, because they have the complete ability to fabricate and implant any evidence on any iPhone or computer.  And worse:  they have intentionally created these digital vulnerabilities and pushed them onto the whole world via Microsoft and Google.     Government has long been at war with liberty, claiming that we need to give up liberty to be secure.  Now we learn that they have been deliberately sabotaging our security, in order to augment their own power.  Time to shut down the CIA and all the other spy agencies.  They’re not keeping us free OR secure, and they’re doing it deliberately.  Their main function nowadays seems to be lying us into wars against countries that never attacked us, and had no plans to do so.

Comments posted at: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-25/i-dont-give-shit-if-its-crime-fourth-veritas-video-reveals-irs-still-targeting

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